Blog Mastermind 2.0 Laptop Lifestyle Review – Is This Legit?

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Blog Mastermind 2.0 Laptop Lifestyle REVIEW


Blog Mastermind 2.0 Laptop Lifestyle is a new breakthrough blogging business blueprint

Read 100% Free Blog Mastermind 2.0 Laptop Lifestyle Review by Scamorno Team



System Blog Mastermind 2.0 Laptop Lifestyle
Website URL
Trial Start Trial
Overall Score 9.4/10

FULL REVIEW OF Blog Mastermind 2.0 Laptop Lifestyle

Are you looking to find out more about this new training program by Yaro Starak and whether it is really worth the money? Blog Mastermind 2.0 shows the step by step process members can use to find an audience who shares their passion, and how to sell both digital and physical products to this audience without it feeling like spam mail.   Yaro’s proven process allows any newbie to create a successful blog with an extremely engaged audience that is more than willing to spend money on their interest.
Some of the pros and cons that we have found include:



  • First-hand instruction on how to have a blog up and running with absolutely no coding experience
  • How to determine your target audience’s size and interest in your blog before you even start creating it.
  • How to build a platform which will directly drives traffic to your already established business
  • How to put digital products on your blog that are guaranteed to convert


Does Not Include

  • None Reported so far

Visit Blog Mastermind 2.0 Laptop Lifestyle Website

What Will You Receive From Blog Mastermind 2.0Laptop Lifestyle?

Workshop 1: How to Set Up Blog Sales Funnel and Money From Day 1

In this workshop, Yaro explains why 94% of blogs fail. Don’t be afraid!  Yaro shows you how all successful blogs are following an extremely meticulous formula, and you how you follow this process to ensure success.  Yaro shows you how to determine if your blog’s niche is popular enough to support a large audience, and what that audience is looking for that they do not have.  Yaro also explains the logistical process of setting up your blog, and the crucial steps to setting up a successful email list.  In this workshop, Yaro also provides a detailed analysis on blog optimization and successful offers your audience will go crazy over.

  1. How to quickly set up the core technology you need: the blog itself and your email list (I’ll introduce you to people who can set this up for you)
  2. A proven research process to determine what your target market will buy so you never have to “guess”
  3. What is the single best FIRST BLOG POST you should make (every blog should have this key article)
  4. How to set up vital blog pages you need to create strong rapport and turn new visitors into loyal repeat readers
  5. paint-by-numbers formula for writing a killer headline that you will use to invite people on to your email list
  6. How to optimize your blog for maximum email subscriptions from day ONE (Hint: It has a lot do with where you place the email opt-in form on your blog)
  7. How to craft your first successful offer (offering a product to your audience for sale) without requiring any pushy sales “tricks” or hypey language

Workshop 2: Email Marketing Mastery A Step by Step Template To Create an Automated Sales Template That Sells

In this workshop, Yaro goes over common beginner mistakes in email marketing, and how to avoid them.  Yaro explains how to set up automated emails that your audience actually wants to receive instead of spam.  Yaro does this by using extremely precise psychological triggers to keep his audience curious, engaged, and excited about every single piece of content he sends them.  Yaro also teaches you how to customize your blog to appear differently to newcomers and regulars.  Throughout this workshop, Yaro also explains how to use content to “presell” customers so they do not even feel like they are being sold something.  Attached to this workshop Yaro also includes 9 custom email templates he has personally used to generate over 1 million dollars through his blogging website.

  1. Basic email marketing training so you know exactly how automated emails can be used to sell digital products on autopilot
  2. The most powerful psychological triggers that grab attention and engage your audience (to make sure people read your emails and click your links!)
  3. How to set up an automated “new visitor experience” that converts first-time blog readers into paying customers
  4. When you should send emails, how many you should send and what types of emails to send
  5. The importance of “preselling” and how to use this content-driven concept to have your blog audience asking to buy things from you before you even make an offer
  6. My 9 email “templates”: the exact email formats I use in my business responsible for almost every cent I have ever made online as a blogger
  7. A step-by-step task sheet to map out a two-week email sequence that is a proven sales machine, which you can plug straight into your blog

Workshop 3: How to Create Blog Content That Magnetically Attracts Devoted Readers 

In this Workshop, Yaro explains the most popular formats of successful blogs, and how you can copy these formats while still having a completely unique and original blog.  Yaro also explains the importance of creating a personal brand, and how to leverage your brand into a larger, more engaged, higher paying audience.  This workshop also details important articles and posts new blogs need to publish in order to gain traction and awareness.  Yaro also delves into the importance of publishing your content on multiple sites and when to do so.  After this Yaro also tells the story of Monk Vilfredo Pareto, and how and observation he made in his garden will allow you to make more money by working less.

  1. The 7 key blog post formats that lead to the most traffic
  2. How to create a Personal Brand so strong that you become THE dominant figure in your industry or niche
  3. What 3 blog articles you need to publish during your first month of blogging.
  4. How to produce Authentic Content and why this one ingredient is the difference between success and mediocrity
  5. When and where to include create multi-media content in your blog posts
  6. How to choose the best content schedule that leverages your strengths
  7. The 80/20 Rule of blog content: How to get more results from less content

Workshop 4: Advanced Traffic Techniques To Automate Your Inbound Visitor Flow  

When you are first starting out it will seem impossible to get traffic on your blog without spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on advertisements.  Yaro explains how to get access to massive traffic sources without breaking the bank.  In addition to getting traffic from outside sources, you also need to make sure your website is optimized to the fullest extent.  Yaro shows you very simple ways to increase your SEO so you have the greatest possible chance of being found without paid advertisement.  Yaro also explains the importance of diversifying your blog through other mediums such as Podcasting and Social Media.  Yaro shares his personal hands-off techniques with these mediums and how he leverages them to his advantage while spending very little time on it.

  1. How to tap into big traffic sources even when you are just starting out and no-one knows who you are
  2. What is the current modern ‘best-practice’ for search engine optimization, especially when it comes to attracting traffic from Google for free
  3. The exact hands-off techniques I use to gain traffic from Social Media without spending hours and hours on social sites
  4. The real secret sauce – what I call Conversation Marketing– how to leverage the natural communication flow that occurs online between blogs and social sites, and how to capture the lion’s share of the traffic!
  5. The unique and very strategic way I use Podcasting – and you can too – to attract the right type of audience to your blog (the kind that buys your products!)
  6. The only traffic technique you need to focus on when you are just getting started (and why it’s so important you ignore the rest in the beginning!)
  7. The key component behind every successful blog (Hint: it has a lot more to do with your ability to make friends than any technical tricks)

Workshop 5: How to Create Your Entry Level Front End Product  

In this workshop, Yaro demonstrates how to research the product your audience is searching for but very few people are offering.  Yaro walks you through the process of idea research, and two very simple cheap products which will allow you to create your digital products.  After determining what your product will be, and how you will create it Yaro explains the importance of your pricing structure.  Using the correct pricing psychology and pricing structure will make or break your digital product.  Yaro walks you through every detail of written, audio, and video products, and how your pricing should differ for each in order to get the best conversion rate possible.  After walking you through this process Yaro explains how to outsource the digital creation process and have your audience tell you exactly what they are looking for in your digital product.  Finally, Yaro explains how to use simple programming to automatically send your product out whenever someone orders it.

  1. What product types you can create and which I recommend as the very first product you offer
  2. How to deliver your product using only two simple technologies (don’t make things complicated if you don’t have to!)
  3. The right pricing structure for a front-end offer and why this is so important long-term
  4. Whether you should start with a written product, audio product, or video product and how to quickly create all three formats at once
  5. How to get your audience to tell you exactly what to put in the product before you even create it
  6. What parts of the product creation process you should outsource and what you should spend 90% of your own personal time on
  7. How to automate the sale and delivery of your product so you can wake up each morning to with more money in your account without you lifting a finger

Workshop 6: How to Turn Your Blog into a Real Business (Work Less and Earn More)

After watching the first five workshops anyone will know the exact process of how to create a profitable engaging blog.  Yaro uses the 6th workshop to show you what to do once your blog has become a success. Yaro explains the exact processes he has put in place which allow him to only blog once a month while everything else is automated.  Yaro also explains how you need to keep your blog and personal brand nimble and flexible because the internet is constantly changing.  Although there is constant change in the online world Yaro explains how there are some elements to the successful blog that will never change, and how to make sure you keep these qualities “evergreen” on your site.  After this Yaro goes through some common problems most bloggers face as they begin to scale, and how to deal with them in the most efficient way possible.

  1. How all the pieces fit together: Once you see the big picture after completing the five previous workshops, your pathway to a million dollar business will be clear
  2. How I can get away with only blogging once a month, yet my traffic continues to grow
  3. The only three elements you must devote the majority of your personal time to if you want long term success (I’ve been blogging for ten years, so I know the key to longevity)
  4. What to do when things go wrong: My structured testing sequence so you can isolate where your problems are and fix them
  5. How to ramp up your income through incremental improvement (a few small tweaks to your blog sales funnel can grow your income exponentially)
  6. How to pack up your bags and travel the world with your blog business
  7. You end your training with the presentation of my complete “framework” for successful blogging – This is an 8-Step chronology that takes your blog from Zero to Hero and summarizes what you need to do in very clear and simple steps, putting all the pieces together from the previous workshops

Review Verdict: Blog Mastermind 2.0 Laptop Lifestyle is a legitimate product that works

Visit Blog Mastermind 2.0 Laptop Lifestyle Website

Consumer Alert Regarding Blog Mastermind 2.0 Laptop Lifestyle

The success of Blog Mastermind 2.0 Laptop Lifestyle has given rise to many frauds who try to sell their own fake platforms  in its name. This is a big issue as many customers have lost their money in joining from such fake sites. It is advised that customers should be really careful when they are joining and should do some research before they join from any website. To spot these, watch out and avoid sites that claim to write about Blog Mastermind 2.0 Laptop Lifestyle, yet the write-up is completely garbage and unreadable as they are created by software and spammed all over the internet. It is always better to avoid joining from any other site other than the official one. Therefore, it is highly advised that consumers do careful research, or only join from the site from the official website here – (link opens in a new window). The official website that they have includes the legitimate platform.

Conclusion about Blog Mastermind 2.0 Laptop Lifestyle


Blog Mastermind 2.0 Laptop Lifestyle has delivered on all its promises for us and all members, which is helping them start their online blogging business following Yaro’s proven blueprint. Hence, we can strongly recommend this program to those interested to become a successful full-time blogger!

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The Truth About Cancer Documentary Ty Bollinger Review – Is Itr Legit?

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The Truth About Cancer Documentary Ty Bollinger REVIEW

The Truth About Cancer Documentary Ty Bollinger Preview: (to pause video, simply tap/click on it)


Created to expose The Truth About Cancer Documentary Ty Bollinger

The Truth About Cancer Documentary Ty Bollinger is a new breakthrough cancer truth educational series

Read 100% Free The Truth About Cancer Documentary Ty Bollinger Review by Scamorno Team


System The Truth About Cancer Documentary Ty Bollinger
Website URL
Trial Start Trial
Overall Score 9.4/10

FULL REVIEW OF The Truth About Cancer Documentary Ty Bollinger

You may have heard of The Truth About Cancer Documentary Ty Bollinger but are still not sure about whether or not the information presented here are legitimate or not? After reviewing all the information and seeing the results, we’ve found this program to be full of helpful information about alternative medicine and therapies that can help conquer cancer. We have followed his Truth About Cancer Facebook page for many years now, and have always been intrigued by alternative medicine. This is a must read by anyone who has been diagnosed or is wanting to know more about natural healing. However, if you aren’t ready to question conventional medicine, this is probably not for you, yet.

Many PH Online readers may already be acquainted with Ty Bollinger’s exceptional film documentary series The Quest for the Cures (2014) and The Truth About Cancer Documentary Ty Bollinger – A Global Quest (2016) in which he started embarking on world tours, speaking with, filming and producing riveting interviews with Physicians – some of them previously oncologists, Cancer Patients, and experts in Herbal, Nutritional and Detoxification, Bio-oxidative and Viral Therapies.

Unlike many cancer ‘Expert’ authors, Ty is not a physician, research scientist, nor a cancer patient. He is, as stated clearly in his profile, a Christian, happily married husband and father, former body builder, health freedom advocate, who lost his beloved mother and father to cancer, as well as both of his grandfathers, one grandmother, a cousin and uncle. He has however become a most knowledgeable cancer expert and his work clearly shines through with the vast wisdom he has absorbed.

The Truth About Cancer Documentary Ty Bollinger articles analyzed - Health Feedback

Review Verdict: The Truth About Cancer Documentary Ty Bollinger is a legitimate program that works

Visit The Truth About Cancer Documentary Ty Bollinger Website

Who Are The People Behind The Truth About Cancer Documentary Ty Bollinger And Can You Really Trust Them?

Ty Bollinger has been on an extensive cancer research journey, beginning with going to libraries to read books and magazines, graduating to researching medical journals, PubMed, National Library of Medicine, and latterly interviewing a large number of patients and practitioners to compile a treasure trove of practical and clinically vital information. Along with his discovery of the effectiveness of a wide variety of cancer treatment approaches, he researched and has documented in an entirely readable manner, the virtually total suppression of these treatments and witch-hunt-like persecution of the many pioneering and innovative developers of these treatments including remedies like the Essiac Tea, giants such as Royal Rife, Max Gerson, Hoxsey and latter-day researchers such as Dr Stanislaw Burzynski. This program is a compendium of the author’s vast knowledge and states in non-jargon language a wide range of treatment approaches as well as well-presented case studies.

This is perhaps the most comprehensive, intelligible and well-researched program we have researched in a long time which examines the political / historical / financial cancer saga, the dire consequences of most conventional treatments, as well as an in-depth elucidation of all the non-toxic and clinically effective cancer treatment approaches.

Review Verdict: The Truth About Cancer Documentary Ty Bollinger is a legitimate program that works

Visit The Truth About Cancer Documentary Ty Bollinger Website

What do you think about these "The Truth About Cancer Documentary Ty Bollinger" things? I realize they are bs, just want your thoughts.: biology

Consumer Alert Regarding The Truth About Cancer Documentary Ty Bollinger

The success of The Truth About Cancer Documentary Ty Bollinger has given rise to many frauds who try to sell their own programs in its name. This is a big issue as many customers have lost their money in buying from such fake sites. It is advised that customers should be really careful when they are buying and should do some research before they buy from any website. To spot these, watch out and avoid sites that claim to write about The Truth About Cancer Documentary Ty Bollinger, yet the writeup is completely garbage as they are created by software and spammed all over the internet. It is always better to avoid buying from any other website other than the official one. Therefore, it is highly advised that consumers do careful research, or only buy from the official website here – (link opens in a new window). The official website that they have includes the legitimate program.

Conclusion about The Truth About Cancer Documentary Ty Bollinger


In The Truth About Cancer Documentary Ty Bollinger, members will learn about the politics of cancer; facts and myths about its causes (a family history is only part of the picture); and the range of tools available to diagnose and treat it.

If you’re facing a cancer diagnosis right now, this program may help you and your health-care provider make choices about your next steps. If you’re already undergoing conventional treatment, it may also help you support your health during the course of chemo or radiation. If you’re a health-care provider and want to learn all you can to help your patients, this program will expand your horizons and inspire you with true stories of successful healing. And if you just want to see cancer in a new light, it will open your eyes just like it has ours, and we can strongly recommend at least having an open mind and learning more about “The Truth About Cancer Documentary Ty Bollinger”.

joinnowforfree Review – Is Legit?

[insert_php] $id = $_GET[“id”]; [/insert_php] REVIEW Preview: (to pause video, simply tap/click on it)


Created for seamless crypto transactions is a new breakthrough crypto transaction and storage platform

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Website URL
Trial Start Trial
Overall Score 9.3/10


As the use of Bitcoin as an alternative currency grows, the number of crypto service providers that offer bitcoin debit or credit cards is also on the rise. is one service that we have tried and very pleased with the service so far.

One of our favorite features is called Bitcoin-to-Card Sender, which allows the user make payments for goods and services with Bitcoins directly from their card.

This new addition is an ideal tool which simplifies the buying process for crypto users, letting them cash out to the card of their choice.

bitcoin to card sender

Users can order their prepaid card and load funds into it almost instantaneously.  These cards can be used at any place where MasterCard is accepted.

To obtain API access, the member must first register on the cardbit.iosite as a Business User. After successful verification, he or she will be able to access the API integration manual which can be found in the client area.

The integration of the Cardbit API into the Merchant site now enables customers to make payments for products and services which can be bought by using the Bitcoin cryptocurrency.

Review Verdict: is a legitimate platform that works

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What Are Some Of The Features Offered By

Buy Bitcoins with Credit Card

Users will be able to easily purchase Bitcoins via exchanges by using their debit or credit card after their account has been verified.

Buy/ Sell Bitcoins to EUR Account

Another useful feature for users is that they can instantly exchange Bitcoins for Euro currency and make the withdraw to their debit/credit card, or directly to their bank account.

Original Credit Transactions

Through Cardbit’s exchange network, members can sell Bitcoins as well as withdraw funds straight to their debit/credit card. They can send and receive funds from their Visa (OCT) partners and MasterCard MoneySend transfers.

Accept BTC on Your Website

Merchants that want to make their products and services available for purchase in Bitcoin rates now have the ability to receive payments instantly by end-users with Bitcoins that have been pre-purchased. The API for merchants can be found in the login section, and it provides detailed integration instructions to make the entire process easier.

Create Crypto Invoices

Cardbit lets its members make online cryptocurrency invoices for customers who will confirm payments with Bitcoins by just accessing the link. This is the perfect solution for crypto enthusiasts who are looking for a facile way to make purchases and transactions by just using their cards.

Review Verdict: is a legitimate platform that works

Visit Website

Consumer Alert Regarding

The success of has given rise to many frauds who try to sell their own platforms in its name. This is a big issue as many customers have lost their money in buying from such fake sites. It is advised that customers should be really careful when they are buying and should do some research before they buy from any website. To spot these, watch out and avoid sites that claim to write about, yet the writeup is completely garbage as they are created by software and spammed all over the internet. It is always better to avoid buying from any other website other than the official one. Therefore, it is highly advised that consumers do careful research, or only buy from the official website here – (link opens in a new window). The official website that they have includes the legitimate platform.

Conclusion about


In our opinion, has truly outdone itself with this solution that significantly facilitates the transaction process of cryptocurrency – a thing craved by every single user. We’ve found the features very seamless and this should prove great for spreading the adoption of cryptocurrencies. If you are looking for a platform like this, we can certainly recommend signing up with below and we’re sure you too will be satisfied with their crypto services.


The Manifestation Millionaire Reviews – Is It Legit?

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The Manifestation Millionaire REVIEWS

The Manifestation Millionaire Preview: (to pause video, simply tap/click on it)


Created by manifestation expert Darren Regan

The Manifestation Millionaire is a new breakthrough financial law of attraction manifestation course

Read 100% Free The Manifestation Millionaire Review by Scamorno Team


System The Manifestation Millionaire
Website URL
Trial Start Trial
Overall Score 9.3/10

FULL REVIEW OF The Manifestation Millionaire

Do you want to learn the truth about The Manifestation Millionaire and whether or not this can truly alter your mindset for help you manifest success into your life? This program is created by Darren Regan, a manifestation expert who has deep knowledge in this field and has helped his clients all over the world overcome their scarcity thinking and negative emotions. He will teach you how to use the power of your mirror neurons and use it to broadcast your success signals using something he calls “Portal Jumping” By knowing this system, you too will be able to manifest whatever you want into your life and attain success fast.

Review Verdict: The Manifestation Millionaire is a legitimate program that works

Visit The Manifestation Millionaire Website

How Does The Manifestation Millionaire Help You?

As you can see from the title of this program, this manifestation is more geared towards helping you attain your financial dreams and goals, using the power of portal . jumps to do so. It unlocks your inner millionaire and has proven highly successful for anyone who wants to commit to it.

One thing that surprises many how this program has nothing to do with the law of attraction. What it uses rather is cutting-edge neuroscience techniques, and you will learn practical techniques that show you how to apply them to your everyday life. To give you an idea of what you will be learning, here are the Table of Contents of this program:

  • The Buck Stops With You and How You’re Thinking
  • From Ashes to Oasis
  • Turning on The Television of Your Thoughts
  • Obey These Laws and Money Will Come to You
  • Gifts Galore for the Grateful
  • Think Big to Accelerate Success
  • Manifestation Through Clarity
  • Lights, Camera, Action!
  • Turbo Charging Your Millionaire Momentum
  • The Belief Leap to Millionaire Manifestation
  • The Millionaire Laser Focus

Other Benefits of The Manifestation Millionaire:

The main goal of this program, amongst others, is that you will increase your net worth and immediately boost your status. These are secrets known by millionaires and billionaires around the world who have used these secrets to effortlessly attract abundance and wealth into their lives. Unlike the law of attraction that generally requires more time to work, The Manifestation Millionaire requires much less time before you start being able to defeat your fears and obstacles in life. By working and tweaking your brain positively, you will be able to see and make the right decision for your life consistently.

Review Verdict: The Manifestation Millionaire is a legitimate program that works

Visit The Manifestation Millionaire Website

Consumer Alert Regarding The Manifestation Millionaire

The success of The Manifestation Millionaire has given rise to many frauds who try to sell their own programs in its name. This is a big issue as many customers have lost their money in buying from such fake sites. It is advised that customers should be really careful when they are buying and should do some research before they buy from any website. To spot these, watch out and avoid sites that claim to write about The Manifestation Millionaire, yet the writeup is completely garbage as they are created by software and spammed all over the internet. It is always better to avoid buying from any other website other than the official one. Therefore, it is highly advised that consumers do careful research, or only buy from the official website here – (link opens in a new window). The official website that they have includes the legitimate product.

Conclusion about The Manifestation Millionaire


In summary, this program is for those who are dedicated and committed to applying the techniques inside to turn their financial lives around. It is based on a proven formula but is no get-rich quick scheme. However, if you are ready to start accessing your millionaire’s portal and start changing your life right now, then we highly recommend you to learn more about The Manifestation Millionaire at the button link below!


Secret Affiliate Website Review – Is Secret Affiliate Website Legit?

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Secret Affiliate Website REVIEW


Secret Affiliate Website is a new breakthrough turnkey affiliate marketing profit system

Read 100% Free Secret Affiliate Website Review by Scamorno Team



System Secret Affiliate Website
Website URL
Trial Start Trial
Overall Score 9.3/10

FULL REVIEW OF Secret Affiliate Website

How to make $937 everyday, building affiliate mini websites, using secret software? This is exactly what Secret Affiliate Website claims to be able to teach its members to do, but are these claims really legit? We seeked to find out the truth about this affiliate marketing course, and will be revealing our findings in this review.

Visit Secret Affiliate Website Website

What Can You Expect To Get From Joining Secret Affiliate Website?

This program Shows Members How To Choose Offers, how to Get Traffic and Profit. with amazing Website-building Software and high definition video Training.

Here is a summary of the benefits about Secret Affiliate Website that we have found:

No domain or hosting registration required.

No coding or design skills required.

Very few simple steps, anyone can use the Secret Affiliate Website software.

The software do all the hard work for you.

You will get the secret traffic source, to get unlimited hungry to buy visitors to your mini affiliate websites.

The software works on any niche and in any country.

Only 3 simple steps to start making your first commission:

#1: Setup your secret mini website.

#2: plug into the secret traffic source.

#3: get paid for every commission.

Review Verdict: Secret Affiliate Website is a legitimate platform that works

Visit Secret Affiliate Website Website

Conclusion about Secret Affiliate Website


This platform provides step by step instructions how to use the software to make huge commissions online ,and the results have been very good so far. Hence we are confident of recommending this to anyone looking to create an extra income online.

Although this system is proven, all results will depend on your effort and patience. Just like any online course, no guaranteed results. You may do it wrong the few first tries, so we recommend being patient and trying again, though the instructions are so clear that most members have not had too much confusion when using this.

joinnowforfree Read more “Secret Affiliate Website Review – Is Secret Affiliate Website Legit?”

Product Launch Blueprint Review – Is Product Launch Blueprint Legit?

What is Product Launch Formula?

Product Launch Formula (PLF) is a product designed to help you launch your business. Whether you have a current business or want to start one. If you want to start one, preferably you want to create an informational product which you are very knowledgeable in. It can be anything, dog training, swimming, credit, building houses, etc. Those are just a few examples, but it can be anything you are good at. This can also be called a niche business.

So the idea is if you don’t have a product already, PLF will help you create one. They have a simple strategy. If you have a business, it will help you launch your business to increase sales. It is designed to boost sales significantly. Jeff has put his mastered launch formula on blueprint and sharing it with Product Launch Formula.

stock broker legitI first approached PLF thinking it was legit. Just another slick marketer out to fool everybody into buying their program. But after doing a thorough review on PLF and Jeff Walker turns out this product is legit. And Jeff Walker is a pretty nice guy. He uses salesy sales techniques but his intentions are good. He started out with nothing and has proven his method.

The Good & the Bad

The Good:

PRO #1 – teaches you how to have a successful launch for your business.
PRO #2 – great support to see you through the process
PRO #3 – helped some of the greats in our industry (learn more here)

The Bad:

CON #1 – really expensive
CON #2 – not open all the time

Who is Product Launch Formula For?

  • The starting out entrepreneur
  • Anyone who wants to start a business
  • If you have a business already and need a launch
  • If you want to learn about product launches
  • If your business is suffering and you need a fix
  • Anyone with an existing business can use this

Product Launch Formula Tools, Training, & Support

Inside PLF they will teach you the following:

  • marketingAbout Product launches
  • How to Sequence videos
  • How to Build up hype
  • Make the Sale on the 4th video
  • How to use mediums of communication; social media, email, website, ppc.

There are 3 different kinds of launches inside PLF. The Seed Launch, the Internal Launch, and the JV Launch.

The Seed Launch is creating your own product. You can invite friends and other guests via your email list, social media, or even friends and family. Host a hangout or facebook live video, and start asking your audience what they need. You want to go in this as an expert in your field. When your guests ask questions, this is the meat of your product. You will be recording this hangout. You can take the whole video and audio and WALA, you have a product; by simply transcribing it. This is a great way to build a product that focuses on what your clients/audience want.

The Internal Launch – this is selling to your list. If you already have a product, you can start here.

The Joint Venture (JV) Launch is where the big guns are. This is where you network with other entrepreneurs that can use your launch to email to their lists. Imagine, you can probably reach 10s thousands of people this way. Then imagine what your numbers will look like.

affiliate salesYou would need to pay your network affiliate commissions, but hey it adds up. It makes total financial sense to offer a percentage of your sales to others to promote your product. This could be a win win for everyone. This is sort of like the business that I am in: affiliate marketing.

Jeff advises to reaching out to 10 or more other business related to your field of business with large email lists.


  • PLF Portal and PLF Community
  • Live coaching calls that have Platinum Level Coaches who also answer questions.
  • Six week course
  • PLF Alumni page on facebook
  • Access to the course for 12 months
  • For an additional monthly fee you can have access to lifetime access

Product Launch Formula Price

$1997 or $397 payment plan
30 day money back guarantee

What’s included? Six training modules – they are hosted online, and they walk you through all of the steps of doing a launch. It takes six weeks but you can work on it on your own pace.

Here’s what inside the training modules:

  • sales trainingThe Launch templates are fill in the blank.
  • You learn about all the launches.
  • Work through templates to create great launches.
  • Learn what to say to tell your offer as you get to launch day.
  • What you do after you open your shopping cart.
  • How to use early results to drive your launch.
  • How to keep your jv partners motivated.
  • What message do you send your prospects when you go live.
  • How to keep your customers engaged.
  • What are the 3 key things to do on your launch day to maximize results.
  • What to do at the end of your launch.
  • How to structure bonuses to keep the buying frenzy going.
  • How do you get paid, even with a huge surge of sales.
  • How to do a quick launch.
  • How does this apply to book launches. After you write your book you should launch it.

3 Bonuses include:

Bonus #1 – Launching your list 2.0 Course
Building your list and building your relationship with your list.
Building it from scratch and building value.
Collection of sample copy, email copy, blog copy, videos, and sales letters. all you do is fill in the blank. tested copies which have raked in millions of dollars ($997 Suggested Value).

podcastBonus#2 – Product Creation Formula Course
How to create a product. Creating information products might be free because you might have all the tools already on your computer. You need your own product so that you are in charge of your own destiny. Takes out the mystery of creating a product. How to make an inexpensive ebook, high priced online courses, membership site, live webinars and workshops ($997 Suggested Value).

Bonus 3 – Suite of Mini Course
Not just about launches but his 20 years of online business. Using PLF to help you build a great business to help you achieve the lifestyle you want. Operation fast start training. Focus on the critical things. How to scale your business by using leverage. strategies and tactics that he has put together from years of experience. Launch partnership training. Helping people out as a launch manager. And how to avoid disaster with your partners.

PLF Live – at the end of the course, there is 3 day live event led by Jeff Walker. 100s of other PLF owners will attend. Meet potential JV Partners, and other business owners. Jeff has charged $25k for these live workshops in the past. You will get two tickets for free. They will sell for $5k.

My Final Opinion of Product Launch Formula

wallet on a budgetWhew, this is a tough one to judge. I think PLF is an awesome product but it is really expensive. Maybe it’s not expensive. Maybe it’s affordable. Not for people in my tax bracket. If you are making six figures a year, it may be a great product to have. But if you’re on a budget like me, you better off checking out an alternative.

This would be a good product to supplement your current business. It’s almost like have a grand opening. Statistics show boosts in sales when a product launch is done properly.

I don’t like that Jeff uses the sales tactic of urgency. I guess it works but I don’t like it. Basically, it’s like if you decide to keep your product available for all time, then your sales will be less than if it were open for a limited time. And that what he does.

This is one of the reasons why I quit the automobile sales industry. I think it’s dumb to make customers think your product is only available for a limited time. I guess sales data shows different. Thinking of the Pumpkin Spice Latte at Starbucks. I know I buy it when it’s available.

Why can’t a product be available always? Why can’t you offer a free trial to everyone, with no strings attached? No credit card necessary? Wait, there is. Unlike any other product I’ve found online, this one is one of kind. Check it out here.

Product Launch Formula at a Glance…

Name: Product Launch Formula
Price: $1997 or $397 payments
Owner: Jeff Walker
Rating: three star reviews out of five for product launch formula (3 / 5)

Club 365 Review – Is Club 365 Legit?

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Club 365 REVIEW


Created to generate online income through affiliate marketing

Club 365 is a new breakthrough internet business toolbox

Read 100% Free Club 365 Review by Scamorno Team


System Club 365
Website URL
Trial Start Trial
Overall Score 9.3/10


Club 365 is a new affiliate marketing system launch that teaches members how to make money online with innovative wealth generation strategies. In this review it does not look like it is legit, but at the same time not every member is going to get results. The testimonials that they feature will be from the members who have truly committed themselves to this system, rather than what can be expected for the typical newbie. The techniques taught include how to earn money online and personal development and mindset conditioning in order to recondition your brain for success.

In this Club 365 review, we can say that the members who get the best results with the program and going to be those that approach things with realistic expectations and actually take action on the information that they learn. It is certainly not a magical get rich quick scheme that will work overnight, but the wealth generation tactics should stand people in good stead for long term success if acted upon.

Review Verdict: Club 365 is a legitimate product that works

Visit Club 365 Website

Does Club 365’s Methods Really Work?

First of all when you use a system like this to earnmoney online with pick one of the strategies and focus on that method like a laser until you start getting traction and getting results. From there, you can start to broaden your horizons and add other money making tactics to your toolbox over time.

What Do You Need To Do To Make Club 365 Work For You?

For example, when it comes to internet marketing, it is a good idea to just concentrate on doing daily tasks that get your links out there on as many different platforms as possible and just keeping doing that each and every day. Once you start noticing new clicks coming in per day, then that will lead to daily sales and eventually a steady income. But it takes a bit of work and momentum to build any business over time for that to happen.

Another thing to mention in this Club 365 review page is that long term wealth can be built with the commissions you generate from your home business. You can then reinvest your profits into the business or choose to re-invest your profits back into your business to scale it up quicker as well as making index funds/cryptocurrency style investments to grow your wealth over time without any additional time investment. As long as realistic expectations are had and members are focused on long term future growth, then this lifetime membership should really help people out with this.

Review Verdict: Club 365 is a legitimate program that works

Visit Club 365 Website

Consumer Alert Regarding Club 365

The success of Club 365 has given rise to many frauds who try to sell their own fake training programs in its name. This is a big issue as many customers have lost their money in joining from such fake sites. It is advised that customers should be really careful when they are purchasing and should do some research before they join from any website. To spot these, watch out and avoid sites that claim to write about Club 365, yet the write-up is completely garbage as they are created by software and spammed all over the internet. It is always better to avoid joining from any other site other than the official one. Therefore, it is highly advised that consumers do careful research, or only buy from the site from the official website here – (link opens in a new window). The official website that they have includes the legitimate program.

Conclusion about Club 365


The great thing about joining Club 365 is that they use the trusted Clickbank retailer which products customers with the security they use during the checkout process as well as their product guarantee, customer support, and legit lowest price product download.

For those looking to generate an extra income online, we can certainly highly recommend this to them. Be sure to grab your own access through the link below.joinnowforfree

Club 365 Preview: (to pause video, simply tap/click on it)

EFL Profits Review – Is EFL Profits Legit?

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Created by professional gambler James Redmond

EFL Profits is a new breakthrough football betting system

Read 100% Free EFL Profits Review by Scamorno Team


System EFL Profits
Website URL
Trial Start Trial
Overall Score 9.3/10


James Redmond is ready to begin his football campaign for the 2018/19 season, and so far has been delivering stellar results with EFL Profits. He does not bet during the first 5 weeks as he likes to get a feel for how the teams are really performing when it matters.

Last season this strategy made him 217.45pts profit. To his level stake approach this also resulted in over £10.8k to level £50 bets. Even while using really small starting £10 bets, his members earn over £2.1k in total on average.

Review Verdict: EFL Profits is a legitimate service that works

Visit EFL Profits Website

What Can You Expect To Learn From EFL Profits?

James of EFL Profits shows his members how to find the best opportunities to make money lay in the EFL rather than the Premier League or other top divisions. This is likely due to the fact that most people are less knowledgeable about the lower league teams and thus that makes for some exciting value opportunities on offer if you can spot them.

Another powerful part of this service is that he waits for a couple weeks of the season to get underway before opening up the tips to the public. That is so he can get a good look at the form of each football team and how they are currently shaping up for the season based on recent results and performances. Without that initial waiting time, football betting becomes much more risk based gambling than a solid “sports investing” type of approach.

Finding Better Than Usual Odds With EFL Profits

It is interesting to see how James zones in on looking to back the best team to win as would be expected in a certain game, but at much higher odds than usual. For example a top EFL team may be on bad form and have a couple of injuries so there odds will be higher for the next home game, yet they should still win it. That opens up opportunities to back the favourite home team at close to 2.0 odds rather than the usual 1.3 sort of odds you may have usually got for them. The EFL Profits tipster service is likely to work for some but and not for others because it us all down to sensible money management. As stated on the official website, they teach to only use around 2% or so of the starting bank and to keep consistent low staking sizes throughout each game.

That way if you ever stumble across a few losers you do not wipe out your bank and should still be in profit across the course of a weekend even if all the picks did not work out. So rather than it being down to bad tips, it is usually due to poor money management and raising stakes to quickly and having unrealistic expectations that causes failure with these type of services.

Review Verdict: EFL Profits is a legitimate service that works

Visit EFL Profits Website


Consumer Alert Regarding EFL Profits

The success of EFL Profits has given rise to many frauds who try to sell their own fake services  in its name. This is a big issue as many customers have lost their money in joining from such fake sites. It is advised that customers should be really careful when they are purchasing and should do some research before they join from any website. To spot these, watch out and avoid sites that claim to write about EFL Profits, yet the write-up is completely garbage as they are created by software and spammed all over the internet. It is always better to avoid joining from any other site other than the official one. Therefore, it is highly advised that consumers do careful research, or only buy from the site from the official website here – (link opens in a new window). The official website that they have includes the legitimate service.

Conclusion about EFL Profits


You can join EFL Profits at any time of day or not and then sign-up to receive the tips to your email inbox. Be sure to check spam filter just in case any tips gets accidentally lost in there. Anyhow, we hope this EFL Profits Review was helpful. Get access to EFL Profits at the lowest possible price via the link below.joinnowforfree

EFL Profits Preview: (to pause video, simply tap/click on it)

Unlock Your Quantum Powers Review – Is Unlock Your Quantum Powers Legit?

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Unlock Your Quantum Powers REVIEW


Created by quantum powers expert Dr. Jean Houston

Unlock Your Quantum Powers is a new breakthrough quantum powers unlocking program

Read 100% Free Unlock Your Quantum Powers Review by Scamorno Team


System Unlock Your Quantum Powers
Website URL
Trial Start Trial
Overall Score 9.4/10

FULL REVIEW OF Unlock Your Quantum Powers

According to Dr. Jean, there are five QUANTUM POWERS within us that, when unlocked, will allow us to become truly and fully alive. You will have access to a tremendous supply of power, joy and energy, with the creative power of the entire Universe at your fingertips. Over the past 10 years, she has worked to develop a process for training others to fully master all 5 of these Quantum Powers, and Dr. Jean Houston is now ready to share that process with us.

Review Verdict: Unlock Your Quantum Powers is a legitimate program that works

Visit Unlock Your Quantum Powers Website

What Can You Learn From Unlock Your Quantum Powers?

Below is the syllabus for the 7-week online course:

Week 1: How the Universe Really Works (Training Your Attention and Beginning to Unlock Your Quantum Powers)
Week 2: Quantum Power #1 (The Power of Your Quantum Self)
Week 3: Quantum Power #2 (The Power to Orchestrate Time)
Week 4: Quantum Power #3 (The Power of the Quantum Mind)
Week 5: Quantum Power #4 (The Power to Manifest Whatever You Need)
Week 6: Quantum Power #5 (The Power of Quantum Healing and Endless Energy)
Week 7: Your Unique Genius (Integrating Your Quantum Powers into Your Life)

The following are the benefits that attendees have gotten after completing the course:

  • Have more clarity about exactly what to do and which direction to go to best achieve your goals
  • Be able to accomplish more in less time without experiencing the levels of overwhelm you do now
  • Be able to tap into deeper sources of energy and experience a profound sense of wellbeing
  • Begin to attract the right people and resources to help you make real progress on the projects that mean the most to you
  • No longer feel isolated, and be able to make a greater difference in the lives of those around you and in the world

Once you begin to unlock your Quantum Powers, all the limitations you previously believed you had will, one by one, simply fall away. You’ll not only be able to accomplish all the things that you have always wished you could… but countless others you haven’t even dreamed of yet. This is indeed the “mythic” life that awaits members at the end of the 7 weeks of this training program.


Does Unlock Your Quantum Powers Really Work?

Jean does tell us that people are fascinated by Quantum Physics and the Quantum Field but no one is really sure what it is, so w were wondering if we were going to be privy to the unsolving of a great mystery. That sounded like fun. She also says that as an observer we are “…entangled with the Universe in ways that affect the reality of what is observed – As viewed, so appears.” It is amazing what can happen when we open up ourselves to all sorts of possibilities.

Review Verdict: Unlock Your Quantum Powers is a legitimate product that works

Visit Unlock Your Quantum Powers Website


Consumer Alert Regarding Unlock Your Quantum Powers

The success of Unlock Your Quantum Powers has given rise to many frauds who try to sell their own fake training programs in its name. This is a big issue as many customers have lost their money in joining from such fake sites. It is advised that customers should be really careful when they are purchasing and should do some research before they join from any website. To spot these, watch out and avoid sites that claim to write about Unlock Your Quantum Powers, yet the write-up is completely garbage as they are created by software and spammed all over the internet. It is always better to avoid joining from any other site other than the official one. Therefore, it is highly advised that consumers do careful research, or only buy from the site from the official website here – (link opens in a new window). The official website that they have includes the legitimate program.

Conclusion about Unlock Your Quantum Powers


Having taken several courses with Evolving Wisdom, including Dr Jean’s Unlock Your Quantum Powers, we have never been unhappy with the experience. The courses themselves have been top notch and the support staff has been very attentive to our needs, even pausing our course and allowing us to return at a later date for personal reasons. Given our great experiences and results with Unlock Your Quantum Power, we can definitely recommend anyone looking at this to give it a try!

Unlock Your Quantum Powers Preview: (to pause video, simply tap/click on it)

Oberlo Review 2018 – Is Oberlo Legit?

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Created to simply the process of dropshipping on Shopify

Oberlo is a new breakthrough dropshipping ecommerce extension

Read 100% Free Oberlo Review by Scamorno Team


System Oberlo
Website URL
Trial Start Trial
Overall Score 9.3/10


Do you want to start a drop shipping business but unsure about where to start? Do you think that the whole drop shipping thing sounds too complicated? Don’t know where to source for products? Enter the Oberlo platform.

Oberlo is an app that works with the Shopify platform and AliExpress, the mega-website that sells products at ultra-low prices. It allows users to easily import products from AliExpress directly into their Shopify store and ship directly to their customers, wherever they are and in only a few clicks. More than 6,500 Shopify stores are currently using Oberlo and have made $36,000,000+ in sales so far, proving how scalable and efficient Oberlo is.

Visit Oberlo Website

How Much Does It Cost To Use Oberlo?

Try Oberlo for free for 30 days and there is no need to use your credit card within this period. Every account starts with a free trial of the Pro Plan and members won’t be billed until after the free trial period has ended.

Oberlo was founded in 2015 by a group of close friends and Oberlo has quickly thanks to its powerful features and ease of use become one of the top drop shipping app in the Shopify app marketplace, with almost 7,000 active Shopify stores that so far have made over $36 million in sales.

Oberlo allows members to easily import products from AliExpress directly into their Shopify store and have the products shipped directly to their customers – in only a few clicks. It is dedicated to helping their users succeed, wherever they are on their e-commerce journey. Regardless if you are just starting out or looking for new ways to grow their online ecommerce, we have found that users of all experience levels, and our own experiences included, have been able to use this platform with no problems at all.

The app allows members to import thousands of products from AliExpress into existing Shopify stores. The Oberlo app connects online stores to AliExpress, making it faster and easier to sell products found there. Shopify users will be able to find Oberlo in the Shopify App Store, or get the Chrome extension in the Chrome store.

What Are The Features of Oberlo?

When it comes to software and apps, there are 2 categories of main features that really matter: features that help users convert sales, and features that make it easier for them to update their website and track sales. Oberlo delivers on both fronts.

Let’s dive in and take a look at 9 noteworthy features of Oberlo:

  1. Easily add products from AliExpress
  2. Change product suppliers as you desire
  3. Product inventory is updated automatically
  4. Product customization
  5. Automated pricing
  6. Fulfill and track orders automatically
  7. Track your sales
  8. Multiple user accounts
  9. ePacket delivery (scroll up for breakdown)

Review Verdict: Oberlo is a legitimate product that works

Visit Oberlo Website

Consumer Alert Regarding Oberlo

The success of Oberlo has given rise to many frauds who try to sell their own fake platforms in its name. This is a big issue as many customers have lost their money in buying from such fake sites. It is advised that customers should be really careful when they are purchasing and should do some research before they buy from any website. To spot these, watch out and avoid sites that claim to write about Oberlo, yet the write-up is completely garbage as they are created by software and spammed all over the internet. It is always better to avoid buying from any other site other than the official one. Therefore, it is highly advised that consumers do careful research, or only buy from the site from the official website here – (link opens in a new window). The official website that they have includes the legitimate platform.

Conclusion about Oberlo


One thing that we really appreciate is that Oberlo allows users to connect products they are currently selling from AliExpress once they install the app. This is so much better than having to delete the product and then add it back again via the app. Probably the biggest negative that we found about the Oberlo app have to do with pricing and features available per plan.

At a time when people are more demanding than ever, not providing order tracking information on the Starter Plan just seems like a way to get users into buying the Basic Plan. The difference in price between the Starter and Basic plans is pretty steep, too, so you really need to have a couple of orders rolling in for you to not feel the upgrade cost.

Pricing plans aside, we believe that the Oberlo extension delivers on its promise to help you dropship with ease. Also having close to 400 positive reviews on Shopify’s app store does speak for itself, showing that customers including ourselves really love this dropshipping app.

Oberlo Preview: