Bigger Better Butt Review – Is Bigger Better Butt Legit?

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Bigger Better Butt REVIEW


Created by physique expert Steve Adams

Bigger Better Butt is a new breakthrough natural butt enhancement program

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Overall Score 9.3/10

FULL REVIEW OF Bigger Better Butt

The “Bigger Better Butt” program is just what it says on the tin: a workout program to fill and shape your gluteus muscles with specific exercises performed with a hypertrophy, pump bias. Mainly marketed for women, these glutes exercises work just as well for men, but the exercise selection implicitly needs a degree of resistance than can only be achieved with some sort of equipment like a barbell, plates and a rack, or access to a gym.

The program can also work in a bodyweight only configuration, but using equipment guarantees more challenging loads and better results. It is not a complete muscle building program, just one for the glutes and other assisting muscles like the posterior chain, the core and the quads, but not for most other upper body groups.

Therefore, it could be included into your own current workout schedule if you feel that you have a lagging booty and want to bring it up to par with the rest of your body. Or you could just use it standalone, as the exercises are challenging and demanding enough to impact your metabolic rate, even though they do not target the whole body.

The program is very simple and to the point in its layout, nothing fancy with no complicated workout charts, just a step-by-step manual with all the theory and video tutorials by the author himself to get you started in no time. Below we will reveal how this program works and whether or not is worth a shot.

Visit Bigger Better Butt Website

How Does Bigger Better Butt Program Work?

This is a niche plan specifically designed to bring up to size and shape the glutes (gluteus maximus), even though other muscles do participate in the lifts. It is not a fat loss plan of sort to make your booty look tiny and cute but flat in your jeans, quite the opposite: it was designed to increase the size of your gluteus muscle in order to bring it up to proportion with your legs and the rest of your body, making them fuller-looking, perky and round in the process and stand out in your jeans.

Because of this, this program may be suitable for those who have a flat bum due to an imbalance in their workout schedule or simply because of genetics, a sedentary life style, think of pancake butt or sleepy butt syndrome. The program and its presentation are clearly focused towards women, probably because ladies are particularly self conscious about this body part and would do anything to get their booty right, but in fact there is no reason why the exercises and workout schedule in the plan would not work just as well for men, if they have a butt imbalance to address.

Overview of The Bigger Better Butt Program

The 60-day program is organized over nine weeks, it is basic without any fluff but just what you need to workout your glutes. There are 4 exercises in total, 2 exercises for each workout, which lasts for around 15/20 minutes, 4 times a week, Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

The movements are pretty demanding and may require a period of adaptation with lighter loads to start with. Once you are done with it, you can focus on building progressive overload, the foundation of any hypertrophy program: as your body starts to adapt, you increase resistance over time. This means the exercises can get tough and pretty uncomfortable, a sacrifice necessary for any muscle building plan, and Bigger Better Butt is all about making your glutes muscles bigger, stronger and ultimately shapely.

The repetition range is high in order to increase lactic acid buildup and the two exercises must be done in circuit fashion without any rest time in between them in order to stimulate hypertrophy, though you will also get stronger in the process. For best results, you will require access to a gym or to a well equipped home gym where you can use heavier and heavier loads as you progress.

Will You Learn What To Eat From Bigger Better Butt?

There is not much to discuss about nutritional guidelines in the main guide as that is a workout plan only.

However, the author also includes a nutritional eBook as a bonus guide called “7 Tactics to Eat What You Want and Still Lose Weight “, which may be of interest to someone,  but it goes with the main program like oranges and apples. This is a glutes focused muscle building program made to increase the size of your gluteus maximus through moderate/heavy lifting  and a good workout volume.

Review Verdict: Bigger Better Butt is a legitimate product that works

Visit Bigger Better Butt Website

Consumer Alert Regarding Bigger Better Butt

The success of Bigger Better Butt has given rise to many frauds who try to sell their own fake guides in its name. This is a big issue as many customers have lost their money in buying from such fake sites. It is advised that customers should be really careful when they are purchasing and should do some research before they buy from any website. To spot these, watch out and avoid sites that claim to write about Bigger Better Butt, yet the write-up is completely garbage and unreadable as they are created by software and spammed all over the internet. It is always better to avoid buying from any other site other than the official one. Therefore, it is highly advised that consumers do careful research, or only buy from the site from the official website here – (link opens in a new window). The official website that they have includes the legitimate program.

Conclusion about Bigger Better Butt


Bigger Better Butt program can be used standalone or together with other workout plans to balance lagging butts, it is simple but demanding and require effort on your part for best results. Realistically, it would also require some sturdy home equipment or gym membership, as the bodyweight only solution will yield lesser results.

The program is only let down by a lack of more testimonials (due to it being pretty new in the workout scene), basic manual format and a forgettable bonus. However, effectiveness of the program do make up for these shortcomings and will offers members a simple but effective workout strategy to improve the shape and strength of their gluteus maximus!


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