Online Tennis Instruction Reviews – Are These The Best Online Tennis Instruction Videos?

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Online Tennis Instruction REVIEWS

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Founded by head coach Florian Meier

Online Tennis Instruction Videos is a new breakthrough online tennis mechanics instructional videos platform

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Overall Score 9.3/10

FULL REVIEW OF Online Tennis Instruction Videos

Do you want to know the truth about the Online Tennis Instruction Videos platform and do they really provide one of the best ways to properly learn any tennis stroke and skill systematically over the internet? For players seeking improvement in their tennis game, the Online Tennis Instruction Videos platform has been providing a great solution for them to learn directly online. Despite consistent practice on the tennis court, some may experience only marginal enhancements. In such cases, a practical tennis instruction program can make a significant difference, and this is where tennis head coach and founder Florian Meier’s platform comes into play..

The joy of playing tennis is truly realized when one possesses comprehensive knowledge and fluency in the sport. For those who have faced challenges in learning tennis, the prospect of enjoying the game becomes achievable when they learn the right skills from the right training materials. Fortunately, there exists an online tennis instruction guide crafted by a prominent tennis instructor. This resource holds the potential to enhance one’s skills and elevate their tennis proficiency and is called Online Tennis Instruction Videos.

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Review Verdict: Online Tennis Instruction Videos is a legitimate tennis training platform

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Overview of The 2 Categories Of Online Tennis Instruction Videos:

First Category

In the first category, there are three key aspects:

  1. Technique
    • This section features video instructions, offering insights into developing crucial body positions that can optimize tennis strokes.
  2. Fitness
    • Florian emphasizes the importance of fitness for two primary reasons: general athletic ability and the specific movement patterns required for tennis.
  3. Strategy
    • Delving into the strategic aspect, this section highlights the significance of having a specific winning strategy, drawing inspiration from professional tennis players.

Second Category

Moving on to the second category, it encompasses the following:

Tennis Books

    • Florian’s passion for reading contributes to his prowess as a tennis instructor. He particularly admires Victor Kenneth Braden Jr., an esteemed American tennis player, author, instructor, and tennis television broadcaster. Victor, an inductee of the International Tennis Hall of Fame, played a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of tennis.
    • Some of Victor’s notable awards include:
      • “Contributing Most to Tennis in America” from The United States Tennis Association (USTA).
      • “Tennis Educational Merit Award” from the International Tennis Hall of Fame (ITHOF).
      • “Coach of the Year Award” from the United States Professional Tennis Association (USPTA).
    • Florian recommends several books authored by Victor and explains the rationale behind these recommendations.

Tennis 2000

The book “Tennis 2000” authored by Vic Braden comes highly recommended for its clear depiction of tennis fundamentals. Understanding and mastering these fundamentals is crucial, as neglecting them can lead to the development of skills on a weak foundation that may eventually crumble.

Mental Tennis

Another work by Vic Braden is “Mental Tennis.” Recognizing that tennis is not just a physical but also a mental game, Victor Vic, a licensed psychologist, delves into the psychological aspects that significantly impact tennis. This book provides valuable insights into the mental dimensions of the game.

Review Verdict: Online Tennis Instruction Videos is a legitimate tennis training platform

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Florian Meier Instructional Videos - Glaring Error? | Talk Tennis

Consumer Alert Regarding Online Tennis Instruction Videos

The success of Online Tennis Instruction Videos has given rise to many frauds who try to sell their own fake training in its name. This is a big issue as many customers have lost their money in joining from such fake sites. It is advised that customers should be really careful when they are subscribing and should do some research before they join any website. To spot these, watch out and avoid sites that claim to write about Online Tennis Instruction Videos, yet the writeup is completely garbage as they are created by software and spammed all over the internet. It is always better to avoid buying from any other website other than the official one. Therefore, it is highly advised that consumers do careful research, or only buy join the site from the official website here – (link opens in a new window). The official website that they have includes the legitimate training.

Conclusion about Online Tennis Instruction Videos



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