Plodder Pete Review – Is Plodder Pete Legit?

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Plodder Pete REVIEW


Created by professional horse race gambler Pete Lycett

Plodder Pete is a new breakthrough horse betting approach

Read 100% Free Plodder Pete Review by Scamorno Team


System Plodder Pete
Website URL
Trial Start Trial
Overall Score 9.3/10


Plodder Pete service is basically a tipster service by a profitable and experienced horse race gambler Pete Lycett. It only advises on placing place and straight win bets.

If you do not already know, place bets win when the top 2, 3 or 4th positions includes your picked horse. And if you have bet on horses for a while, you would probably already know that these are really low odds bets as well. Therefore, we were really skeptical that Plodder Pete service could deliver on the profits it promises over a long period of tie. Members should preferably have access to the Betfair exchange to benefit from this system, hence even though it can be accessed worldwide, it is not suitable for those countries that have restricted access to Betfair.

Visit Plodder Pete Website

Can You Profit From Plodder Pete If You Don’t Have Access To Betfair?

This system also works if you have access to BOG bookies, but you will have to take note of the different timing restrictions you have when you need to make place bets. All bets are sent out via email on the evening before the race, hence there should not be any rush or fear of missing out on the bets.

In order to make this work, Pete has specifically advised to follow their staking plan with discipline and not increase betting size, even if you are on a winning streak. Pete has already found that raising stakes without discipline hurts performance in the long run because losing streaks come typically at times when you are overconfident. Plodder Pete’s service comes with a 60 day money-back guarantee, hence members can refund their subscription if they feel that the service is not performing up-to-mark, or that they find out they don’t have the time and schedule to execute the picks properly.

Most Importantly, Did Plodder Pete’s Picks Make Money Over Our Trial Period?

Pete provides track records of members turning £500 into £10,000+ over the course of a year of following his exact system. With a bigger betting bank, anyone can definitely increase their earnings with a larger betting bank even while following the same percentage staking plan.

After earning profits consistently over the course of following the system an entire month, we have no doubts about the legitimacy of Pete’s betting results and reputation. It is certainly not a get rich quick betting approach, but rather is a slower and surer approach to making money since it finds more consistent and lower odds bets to profit from.

If however you are looking to flip a couple of pounds into a big sum through a long odds betting system, this might not be the system you are looking for. It is worth noting however, that we have not found any betting system that bets on long shots that is profitable over the long term. Therefore, systems like Plodder Pete is what we can recommend as they can prove to make money over the long term with minimal risk.

Review Verdict: Plodder Pete is a legitimate service that works

Visit Plodder Pete Website

Consumer Alert Regarding Plodder Pete

The success of Plodder Pete has given rise to many frauds who try to sell their own fake services in its name. This is a big issue as many customers have lost their money in joining from such fake sites. It is advised that customers should be really careful when they are joining and should do some research before they join from any website. To spot these, watch out and avoid sites that claim to write about Plodder Pete, yet the write-up is completely garbage as they are created by software and spammed all over the internet. It is always better to avoid joining from any other site other than the official one. Therefore, it is highly advised that consumers do careful research, or only join from the site from the official website here – (link opens in a new window). The official website that they have includes the legitimate service.bestchoicejoinnowforfree

Plodder Pete Preview:

The Tapping Solution Reviews – Is The Tapping Solution Legit?

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The Tapping Solution REVIEW


Created by EFT tapping coach Nick Ortner

The Tapping Solution is a new breakthrough stress-relief and financial success system

Read 100% Free The Tapping Solution Review by Scamorno Team


System The Tapping Solution
Website URL
Trial Start Trial
Overall Score 9.4/10

FULL REVIEW OF The Tapping Solution

First of all, what the hell is tapping? Tapping is a way to work with  a person’s psychological issues by very gently tapping on the meridian points.

It’s based on the same principles like acupressure and acupuncture – healing systems which have been in place over 5,000 years. The most significant benefit about tapping is that it immediately halts our stress responses and actually retrains what’s called the limbic response. If you don’t know by now, stress is considered by many to be the root cause of much illness and disease, but we don’t need science or doctors to explain to us how terrible we feel when we’re stressed out.

Visit The Tapping Solution Website

The Tapping Solution for Financial Success & Personal Fulfillment

Does The Tapping Solution Really Work?

We’ve been on the tapping tip for a few years now and I’m so happy to say it really works. The only problem with tapping though, like all other things that are good for us, is remembering to actually do it. But the more you read it, the more you should remember to do it.

We’ve read a lot of books on EFT, or the emotional freedom technique, and we can honestly say this one is one of our favorites. Not only does Mr. Ortner provide many pages of detail on why tapping really works, but he provides separate chapters to help guide us through specific problems. The absolute best thing about tapping is that you can address and remove all of your lifelong problems and phobias almost instantly.

Benefits of The Tapping Solution

Tapping truly can become a solution for anything if you can master it. We’ve used it a lot for releasing sugar cravings. For some reason we get really strong cravings for chocolate whenever we first arrive at work. Tapping, when we remember to do it, will release the craving in just one round. If you still don’t know what a round is, you need this book.

We’ve also used tapping to help ourselves with bouts of panic and anxiety. Again, when we remember to do it, tapping helps us calm myself when we feel like we’re losing control. But you can also make use of tapping for manifesting, and that’s what I’m working on right now. Through tapping you can manifest whatever it is you long for – whether it be earning more money, losing weight or creating a lasting relationship.

Did The Tapping Solution Really Work For Us?

It took me a long time to write this review because we kept waiting for the moment when we were finished with it, but we realized that we’ll never be finished. But that is a great thing we’ve found. This book has officially become part of our repertoire of resources that we go to whenever we need help. We all need reminding and guidance at various points in our lives.

Review Verdict: The Tapping Solution is a legitimate program that works

Visit The Tapping Solution Website

The Tapping Solution -DVD

Consumer Alert Regarding The Tapping Solution

The success of The Tapping Solution has given rise to many frauds who try to sell their own fake programs in its name. This is a big issue as many customers have lost their money in joining from such fake sites. It is advised that customers should be really careful when they are joining and should do some research before they join from any website. To spot these, watch out and avoid sites that claim to write about The Tapping Solution, yet the write-up is completely garbage as they are created by software and spammed all over the internet. It is always better to avoid joining from any other site other than the official one. Therefore, it is highly advised that consumers do careful research, or only join from the site from the official website here – (link opens in a new window). The official website that they have includes the legitimate program.bestchoicejoinnowforfree

The Tapping Solution Preview:

FX Atom Pro Review – Is FX Atom Pro Legit?

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FX Atom Pro DEMO



Created by full-time professional Forex trader Karl Dittman

FX Atom Pro is a new breakthrough high-end Forex trading solution

Read 100% Free FX Atom Pro Review by Scamorno Team


System FX Atom Pro
Website URL
Trial Start Trial
Overall Score 9.5/10


FX Atom Pro was created with one goal… to enable even the complete Forex newbie get smart predictions right from their screen and take decisive trading actions that lead to easy and profitable trades. But do these promises hold up during our trading tests?

FX Atom Pro generates easy-to-follow BUY/SELL signal lines directly on users’ chart.  So when the BUY line appears – we enter a BUY trade.
And when a SELL line appears – we close that BUY trade and open a new SELL trade.  On top of that, this powerful indicator gives us ‘StopLoss’ and ‘TakeProfit’ levels for each trade via 3 different alert types.

Visit FX Atom Pro Website

What Exactly Is FX Atom Pro?

FX Atom Pro has sound alerts, email alerts, and a mobile push notification feature that can inform you of every new signal and its details wherever you are. You don’t have to sit glued-on in front of the screen 24 hours to predict the next market movement. Alerts will inform you when it is an optimal time to open or close a trade.

FX Atom Pro works in real-time and generates BUY or SELL signals based on your level of risk-tolerance. There are 3 main trading styles to choose from: Conservative, Medium and Aggressive.

The Conservative Mode offers low-risk signals with a normal signal frequency and is most suitable for those who prefer to trade as safe as possible. The Aggressive Mode generates more signals but is best used by more experienced traders with a higher risk appetite. And the Medium Mode is for those looking to try out the Aggressive Mode but feel they may not be ready for it.

So Did FX Atom Pro Work For Us?

With FX Atom Pro, there was no thinking, no analyzing, no worrying, but only clear laser-tuned Buy and signals that get the job done. We can see how this would cut the learning curve for anyone who does not have enough experience from trading Forex but still want a consistent income from it. It is certainly not a get-rick quick scheme that promises daily guaranteed returns, and certainly is not marketed as so.

The entire “FX Atom Pro” trading package, teaching you the truths behind fast and profitable trading, an easy-to-follow program full of screenshots and step-by-step instructions that allows you to spend minimum time and make profit using the exact same methods used by Karl and hundreds of his happy clients. You will know and gain access to everything Karl and his traders use.

On top of that members also get unlimited access to his personal email support. We can contact Karl at any time and ask him whatever doubts, and from our experience he has usually responded quickly and satisfactorily to clear up any doubts about how to use the system.

Review Verdict: FX Atom Pro is a legitimate software that works

Visit FX Atom Pro Website

FX Atom Pro Review | Honest Forex Reviews

Consumer Alert Regarding FX Atom Pro

The success of FX Atom Pro has given rise to many frauds who try to sell their own fake software in its name. This is a big issue as many customers have lost their money in buying from such fake sites. It is advised that customers should be really careful when they are purchasing and should do some research before they buy from any website. To spot these, watch out and avoid sites that claim to write about FX Atom Pro, yet the write-up is completely garbage and unreadable as they are created by software and spammed all over the internet. It is always better to avoid buying from any other site other than the official one. Therefore, it is highly advised that consumers do careful research, or only buy from the site from the official website here – (link opens in a new window). The official website that they have includes the legitimate product.

Conclusion about FX Atom Pro


Every subscription to FX Atom Pro provides a new member with a lifetime membership access, but cannot be shared with others. At less than $200 access fee per members at time of writing, we think this is great value for money considering how consistently FX Atom Pro is able to find winning trades for us. All exact steps for setting up this Forex trader are clearly explained in the membership area, making it highly suitable for many Forex traders and explains why it is currently generating so much buzz in the industry.

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Win Oracle Review – Is Win Oracle Legit?

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Win Oracle REVIEW


Created by professional gambler Will Foster

Win Oracle is a new breakthrough online betting tool

Read 100% Free Win Oracle Review by Scamorno Team


System Win Oracle
Website URL
Trial Start Trial
Overall Score 9.3/10


There’s only one betting software you should look to own in 2018. A software that finds winning horses with insane accuracy from testing results.

We’re going to be honest, this is a truly profitable and consistent way of earning from race betting. Right now our balances are rocketing and we have barely even started.

You Will Get:
– 4-8 Winning Tips every day
– The £37,843 Win Oracle software
– 24/7 Customer support
– Valuable selections that offer large returns
– Lifetime access – One payment: lifetime membership
– Withdraw Profits
– The opportunity to transform your betting results
– Free bets
– 60 Day money back guarantee

Visit Win Oracle Website

Does Win Oracle System Really Work?

Profiting from horses is very simple when you follow the steps used and provided along with the Win Oracle System. Using Win Oracle System gives the user the ability to consistently find winning horses using professional selection strategies.

You may be tired of losing money in horse racing. Will Foster introduced the software called Win Oracle that has been shown to profit $395+ on average per day from horse racing with the right starting capital size. We find Win Oracle selections to be highly unique in this industry and most importantly, they work to profit consistently from the bookies. Picking the right horse selections has become automatic and easy for us after joining Win Oracle. This is in stark contrast with the dozens of crappy systems made by inexperienced gamblers that we test on a daily basis.

Who Is The Owners of Win Oracle and Can You Really Trust Him?

William Foster is an American MIT graduate who then moved to London. Horse racing thrill of betting quickly grabbed him and he  loved it. He started buying into so called “gurus”’ systems to get email tips and horse selection details. These services generates a list of most likely winners data and suggest place to bets. They have a mathematical equations to over-simplifying the whole betting process and get continuous winnings. Even though they generate some losses sometimes, on the average he managed to filter the losers he foresees based on his own criteria. Today, he has refined his own system into what he called Win Oracle, and this system generates a long term winning percentage of 73%.

Is Win Oracle System Really Worth The Money?

Win Oracle system is accessible with a one-time fee with selections sent direct to your email. The small monthly fees are truly insignificant as we have found ourselves, especially once you have started compounding your betting bank regularly with Win Oracle. Will is also highly confident of his own system providing great results for his members and provides a full 30 day money-back guarantee to test it out.

Review Verdict: Win Oracle is a legitimate service that works

Visit Win Oracle Website

Consumer Alert Regarding Win Oracle

The success of Win Oracle has given rise to many frauds who try to sell their own fake services in its name. This is a big issue as many customers have lost their money in joining from such fake sites. It is advised that customers should be really careful when they are joining and should do some research before they join from any website. To spot these, watch out and avoid sites that claim to write about Win Oracle, yet the write-up is completely garbage as they are created by software and spammed all over the internet. It is always better to avoid joining from any other site other than the official one. Therefore, it is highly advised that consumers do careful research, or only join from the site from the official website here – (link opens in a new window). The official website that they have includes the legitimate service.bestchoicejoinnowforfree

Win Oracle Preview:

Olymp Trade Review – Is Olymp Trade Legit Or Not?

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Olymp Trade DEMO

Olymp Trade REVIEW


Olymp Trade is a new breakthrough international online trading platform

Read 100% Free Olymp Trade Review by Scamorno Team


System Olymp Trade
Website URL
Trial Start Trial
Overall Score 9.4/10


Olymp Trade is a fairly new entrant into the financial products marketplace having launched in 2014. Their background is very much as a Russian broker, but are licensed internationally and are set up to serve worldwide traders.

After registration, members of Olymp Trade immediately gain access to a free 10,000$ demo account. For investor protection, the company is a member of the Financial Commission (FinaCOM PLC). This is a 3rd party and a neutral authority which is there to resolve complaints made by traders.

Visit Olymp Trade Website

How Much Money Do You Need To Get Started On Olymp Trade?

Traders can start trading with the minimum of $10 deposit with minimum trades of $1. It is a very simplified platform with lower trading values and fewer assets.

Are The Payouts of Olymp Trade Competitive In The Industry?

With payouts of up to 80% they are, quite honestly, not the most competitive when it comes to profitability. However, the low entry and simplified systems do make it a very simple trading option.

It is usual with many brokers to offer various trade types and the option to trade in many different assets. Some brokers may offer 6 or 7 different types of trades. These include the High/Low or Call/Put option then there are 60 Second trades, One Touch, Ladders and Pairs and Long Term. This isn’t the case with Olymp Trade and there is just 1 type of trade, the basic Call/Put or High/Low trade. Add to this the limited amount of assets available for trading and you really are restricted in what you can do.

High/Low Options

To trade these options, simply choose your asset, currency pairs, gold, silver and the list of other assets available for trading, and begin trading with $1 predicting whether the asset will rise or fall by the expiry time. The expiry times are limited to end of day, hence there are no options for long term trading.

Review Verdict: Olymp Trade is a legitimate platform that works

Visit Olymp Trade Website

Consumer Alert Regarding Olymp Trade

The success of Olymp Trade has given rise to many frauds who try to sell their own fake platforms in its name. This is a big issue as many customers have lost their money in joining from such fake sites. It is advised that customers should be really careful when they are joining and should do some research before they join from any website. To spot these, watch out and avoid sites that claim to write about Olymp Trade, yet the write-up is completely garbage and unreadable as they are created by software and spammed all over the internet. It is always better to avoid joining from any other site other than the official one. Therefore, it is highly advised that consumers do careful research, or only join from the site from the official website here – (link opens in a new window). The official website that they have includes the legitimate platform.

Conclusion about Olymp Trade


There is no doubt that this is a great first-time site to get going with. They have proven to do well and they tick most of the boxes of a trustworthy financial broker. Following our thorough Olymp Trade review we found no warnings that may imply that this broker is legit and we found zero legitimate complaints.

joinnowforfree Read more “Olymp Trade Review – Is Olymp Trade Legit Or Not?”

How Much Protein Book Review – Is How Much Protein Book Legit?

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How Much Protein Book REVIEW


Created by professional fitness expert and ex-protein supplement developer Brad Pilon

How Much Protein Book is a new breakthrough protein publication

Read 100% Free How Much Protein Book Review by Scamorno Team


System How Much Protein Book
Website URL
Trial Start Trial
Overall Score 9.3/10

FULL REVIEW OF How Much Protein Book

How Much Protein created by Brad Pilon is a book that guides readers on how to eat to gain muscle, and how much protein to build muscle effectively. This book is created by an ex-protein supplement developer as well as a research scientist who is revealing all secrets about protein in building lean muscle in this guide.

Besides, in How Much Protein book, users will find out the shocking answer to the question: “how much protein do I need to build muscle”. In addition, with this new product, the author lets users have three days to try out for just $9.99.

Visit How Much Protein Book Website

Who Is the Author of How Much Protein Book, and Can You Really Trust Him?

Brad Pilon is the developer of How Much Protein, and this man also is a medical researcher, an protein supplement developer in the past and is today a highly reputable figure in the fitness industry.

When ordering this How Much Protein product, buyers will get a comprehensive protein discovering program that is packed completely in the How Much Protein e-book.

In this How Much Protein ebook, users will discover:

  • How to make use of Protein effectively
  • A ground-breaking nitrogen balance study
  • A study that is done in 2008 by the Nutrition and Food Board which proves whether nitrogen balance can create a difference in building muscle or not
  • Why figuring out their protein needs based on a formula that is 2.2 grams for each pound of bodyweight becomes a wrong way to show how much protein they need
  • Why eating 10 times more protein does not translate into 10 times more muscle
  • How they can burn less fat as well as carbs by increasing their daily protein
  • How to confirm if eating extra protein can help create even more muscle by doing a “dose response” or not
  • How they are able to eat 50 grams of protein and also digest 150 grams of protein in the same day
  • What do pancreatic enzymes, saliva and gastric juicehave to do with protein circulating their bodies?
  • What your colon has to do with protein levels in your body
  • The fact about how much muscle they can gain realistically within 2 to 4 months with a good resistance training system – regardless of additional nutrition or supplements
  • How to achieve 4.5 pounds of pure muscle in only 10 weeks by eating just 120 grams of protein per day
  • How to gain lean muscle fast even while on the strictly calorie restricted healthy meal plans
  • The two factors they absolutely have to include in their workout system to fully maximize gains – no matter with how much protein they eat
  • Over 100+ research studies to prove what the author is saying is actually true
  • The difference between “juvenile” muscle growth vs ‘work-induced’ muscle growth
  • What low dose radiation does to your muscles?
  • And much more!

Advantages of The How Much Protein Book

  • This program can save readers time and energy by following only proven steps.
  • Users of this system can share it to their friend and family.
  • This package is 100% safe to download.
  • The author lets users have 3 days to try out this How Much Protein book for just $9.99.
  • It is an affordable guide for all.
  • The author provides a 24/7 support through email with this program.
  • Brad Pilon offers a policy of back money within eight  weeks if How Much Protein Book does not work for users.

Review Verdict: How Much Protein Book is a legitimate product that works

Visit How Much Protein Book Website

Consumer Alert Regarding How Much Protein Book

The success of How Much Protein Book has given rise to many frauds who try to sell their own fake guides in its name. This is a big issue as many customers have lost their money in buying from such fake sites. It is advised that customers should be really careful when they are purchasing and should do some research before they buy from any website. To spot these, watch out and avoid sites that claim to write about How Much Protein Book, yet the write-up is completely garbage and unreadable as they are created by software and spammed all over the internet. It is always better to avoid buying from any other site other than the official one. Therefore, it is highly advised that consumers do careful research, or only join from the site from the official website here – (link opens in a new window). The official website that they have includes the legitimate product.

Conclusion about How Much Protein Book


You have to follow guides in this book to get the successful results for your muscle building workout. Now, after reading our How Much Protein Book review, it is your choice. This book covers a great deal of valuable information about protein, so we think this is well worth the money for those serious about their fitness and muscle-building.joinnowforfree Read more “How Much Protein Book Review – Is How Much Protein Book Legit?”

Subliminal360 Review – Is Subliminal360 Legit?

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Subliminal360 DEMO

Subliminal360 REVIEW


Created by reputable company Inspire3

Subliminal360 is a new breakthrough subliminal affirmations software

Read 100% Free Subliminal360 Review by Scamorno Team


System Subliminal360
Website URL
Trial Start Trial
Overall Score 9.3/10

FULL REVIEW OF Subliminal360

Subliminal360 is a powerful newly released “subliminal” software tool. The best of its kind in our opinion, so much so that we use it myself.

It works by flashing powerful affirmations on the computer screen while you use it. The flashes are barely noticeable by the eye or the logical conscious mind doesn’t actually see the messages, but your subconscious mind does, and as a professional hypnotist if we know anything at all it is that all change takes place at the subconscious level, and that is what attracted us to this program in the first place. The subconscious mind is responsible for all of your automatic and unconscious decision-making. It controls your breathing and also your heart beats.

Visit Subliminal360 Website

Subliminal360 Review - Does This Really Works?

How Can Subliminal360 Software Help You?

The subconscious mind sets up “pathways” that our brain follows, like those of our thinking patterns, our self-beliefs, and even our habits. Science has proven that it is, in fact, that your subconscious mind that is really running the show. The subconscious is what can make you successful, the thing that decides whether you have a bad habit, and yes it is even the thing which tells you whether you’re good enough.

Of course, by repeatedly exposing the subconscious mind to the new affirmations repeatedly, the subconscious mind then builds new “pathways” that your conscious mind and your brain automatically begin to follow.

So, the fact is that if you tell the subconscious that you’re happy and confident enough, and you do it over and over, then those traits will filter through to your daily life.

That’s exactly what this powerful software Subliminal360 attempts to do. It does so by bombarding your subconscious mind with positive subliminal messages that are made specifically helping you to improve your life.

Does Subliminal360 Software Really Work?

When we came across this program we were extremely enthused, so enthused that we couldn’t wait to visit the Subliminal360 website to check the software out. Of course, within minutes, we bought and installed our copy of the program and within 24 hours we actually signed up as an affiliate to promote the product too. The whole process, the setup of the software, and even signing up as an affiliate was a breeze.

Upon launching the program for the first time, we found everything to be pretty simple and intuitive. Just what the average person would want, Keeping It Simple.

Once you have installed the program you decide which aspect of your life you desire to change or improve upon. You then select the subliminal affirmations you desire from the software that will quickly flash upon your computer screen as you go about your daily work. The main goal here is to decide what goals you want to achieve, by choosing the subliminal affirmations you want Subliminal360 to flash.

And you will truly love the in-built library of subliminal sessions. There are over 350 sessions to choose from, whether you desire health, body improvement, mental skills, relaxation, emotions, personal power, business success, dealing with addictions, or illness, and more. We simply can’t describe the massive range of areas that are covered here within this program.

Review Verdict: Subliminal360 is a legitimate software that works

Visit Subliminal360 Website

Subliminal360 – Subliminal Messages Software | Dexter Recommends

Consumer Alert Regarding Subliminal360

The success of Subliminal360 has given rise to many frauds who try to sell their own fake software in its name. This is a big issue as many customers have lost their money in buying from such fake sites. It is advised that customers should be really careful when they are purchasing and should do some research before they buy from any website. To spot these, watch out and avoid sites that claim to write about Subliminal360, yet the write-up is completely garbage and unreadable as they are created by software and spammed all over the internet. It is always better to avoid buying from any other site other than the official one. Therefore, it is highly advised that consumers do careful research, or only join from the site from the official website here – (link opens in a new window). The official website that they have includes the legitimate software.

Conclusion about Subliminal360


All we can say is that if you’re only going to install one new software program on your PC this year…  you should consider making it Subliminal360. And the best part of all is that it is also fully guaranteed, so you will not be risking anything by giving it a go.

Trust us. This program will — quite literally — change your life as it has done for us and many others.joinnowforfree Read more “Subliminal360 Review – Is Subliminal360 Legit?”

Targeting Academy & Insightr Lite Review – Is Targeting Academy & Insightr Lite Legit?

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Targeting Academy & Insightr Lite REVIEW


Created by internet entrepreneur and consultant Devid Farah

Targeting Academy & Insightr Lite is a new breakthrough ads targeting training program for Facebook

Read 100% Free Targeting Academy & Insightr Lite Review by Scamorno Team


System Targeting Academy & Insightr Lite
Website URL
Trial Start Trial
Overall Score 9.3/10

FULL REVIEW OF Targeting Academy & Insightr Lite

Targeting Academy is a training program which mainly focuses on Facebook ad targeting. It includes many great strategies for Facebook and e-Commerce marketers.

To be specific, it will show what you should do and what you should avoid when attracting real buyers. To do so, you will learn how to target your Facebook ads to put your products in the eyes of targeted customers. This helps save money, time and remove all guesswork.

Visit Targeting Academy & Insightr Lite Website

Who Is The Owner Of Targeting Academy & Insightr Lite And Can You Really Trust Him?

Devid Farah has been selling digital products for years. During this time, he found out that Facebook ads are  one of the most effective tools to introduce your products to the right customers. However, most people still do not know that or do not know how to use it correctly.

That idea has inspired him to develop a course that teaches people the methods that he has been using for years when he built his business.



What Can You Expect To Find In Targeting Academy & Insightr Lite Membership Area?

Super targeting Facebook Ads secrets

Devid will reveal one simple secret that not many marketing gurus shares to you. It allows you to instantly connect to millions of prospects out there who want your products the most.

Magical techniques

This module allows you to attract more prospects in your specific niche. You will discover ways to improve your returns on investment on Facebook ads without having to invest in any money or time.

4 Advanced FB targeting strategies

These four targeting strategies will certainly blow your mind.

Targeting framework

The framework will make things easier for you to find customers to target. You will learn how to dig deep into your niche and reap the most benefits out of it.

Physical product domination

This is an overview of all the strategies that Devid has been utilizing to earn more than $300k in just 3 months. We highly recommend this for those who are already selling on Shopify. It mentions what is needed to begin selling physical products online.

The T-shirt business

Discover how Devid has earned $100k from his T-shirt business by using his simple Facebook ad techniques.

CPA offers

This part of Targeting Academy gives members an opportunity to join the CPA industry. Even if you are a newbie, it will teach you everything from basic to advanced methods that a marketer needs to know.

Twitter targeting

Twitter is a huge market to promote ads. The strategies can also be used on Twitter to beat your competition and save time growing your business.

And below is a list of products that you can sell when using these strategies:

Physical products: t-shirts, clothing, jewelry, furniture, books

  • E-Commerce
  • CPA offers
  • Digital products
  • Training courses and webinars

Review Verdict: Targeting Academy & Insightr Lite is a legitimate product that works

Visit Targeting Academy & Insightr Lite Website

Consumer Alert Regarding Targeting Academy & Insightr Lite

The success of Targeting Academy & Insightr Lite has given rise to many frauds who try to sell their own fake programs in its name. This is a big issue as many customers have lost their money in joining from such fake sites. It is advised that customers should be really careful when they are joining and should do some research before they join from any website. To spot these, watch out and avoid sites that claim to write about Targeting Academy & Insightr Lite, yet the write-up is completely garbage as they are created by software and spammed all over the internet. It is always better to avoid joining from any other site other than the official one. Therefore, it is highly advised that consumers do careful research, or only join from the site from the official website here – (link opens in a new window). The official website that they have includes the legitimate product.

Conclusion about Targeting Academy & Insightr Lite


This course is suitable for all types of marketers and that includes newbies. No experience, knowledge or background required.

With just $37 – $197 for the package and a few dollars to invest in, you will get access to the method to build a cash machine that will work while you are sleeping. Most of the processes have been automated to save more time and money, therefore is really well worth the money in our opinion.


Targeting Academy & Insightr Lite Preview:

Internet Jetset Review – Is Internet Jetset Legit?

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Internet Jetset REVIEW


Created by internet entrepreneur John Crestani

Internet Jetset is a new breakthrough online marketing training program

Read 100% Free Internet Jetset Review by Scamorno Team


System Internet Jetset
Website URL
Trial Start Trial
Overall Score 9.4/10

FULL REVIEW OF Internet Jetset

There is so much information on the internet about John because of his prowess in internet marketing. Apart from Internet Jetset, John Crestani is also the owner of the Super Affiliate System in the Make money online niche.

It doesn’t stop there…

He also owns a nutritional supplement affiliate Network.

We have linked to several so you have a look:

Visit Internet Jetset Website

What Are The Benefits To Joining Internet Jetset?

By now, you probably know that John Crestani is a person who you can trust with your hard earned money. Internet Jetset is a step-by-step affiliate marketing training program by John Crestani that teaches you how to make money online. It starts from choosing a niche, setting up a WordPress site, Creating landing pages, different ways of getting people to your sites including paid advertising, Making your first sale and scaling from $100 to $10,000/month business.

Internet Jetset is a step-by-step affiliate marketing course that teaches members how to build a profitable online business through affiliate marketing. You’ll get over the shoulder training (mostly from John) and real-life examples. From Choosing a niche, setting up a WordPress Site, getting people to your site and making your first sale online.


  • Easy to follow step by step training blueprint on affiliate marketing
  • You are learning from an already successful business owner
  • Simple User Dashboard
  • You’ll learn how to use the software tools that John uses
  • The membership Fee($47) is very well worth the money
  • Newbie-friendly
  • There are constantly Updated Live webinars
  • There is a members forum where you can receive support from other members
  • John appears in most of the training, unlike some internet “gurus” who outsource their training
  • The bonus materials are great value
  • You can also receive support From the Facebook Private Group


  • This is not a get-rich-overnight scheme
  • The webinar may give the impression that making money online is super easy
  • All the tools are paid
  • It takes some time to become a master in affiliate marketing
  • You may get information overload if you do not move at your own pace

Overview of All 11 Modules In Internet Jetset

1. The Online Business Blueprint: This is the introduction of the main training where John gives members the blueprint of becoming a successful Online Business Entrepreneur. The topics range from getting traffic, automating your business and selling products.

2. Introduction to the Internet Jetset: In this module, you’ll learn the mindset that you can make money online. It will give you perspective of why people fail, how to defeat that Shiny Object Syndrome and strengthening your mindset to overcome your past failures

3. Choosing Your Niche: Both Video and PDF training. John shares his story and gives examples of the niche markets that you can choose from. He also recommends affiliate programs that you can be involved in various niches that you’ll choose to range from low, medium and high commissions.

4. Google: Focuses on how to get people to come to your sites from Google. He gives examples of niche review sites like Gold, Relationships, Online Dating,  Skin care and much more.

5. YouTube: When in comes to Video, John has so many that you must have seen a few with thousands of views. This Module covers all that you need to know about YouTube Traffic. Period! From how to upload a video, Creating a Catchy Custom thumbnail for high CTR, writing video descriptions that get people to click to your site, a guideline to make sure that all your videos are relevant to your audience and so much more.

6. FaceBook: John shares his personal experience and explains the basics in creating a page and inviting friends and why automation is important in facebook marketing.

7. Your Website: There is a great deal of information in this module. As you probably know, your website is just like a skyscraper that appreciates with time. So, the foundation must be strong to last for the long-term. Below are the topics that are covered:

  • Installing a WordPress Theme – What to look for? Reviews or responsiveness of the theme
  • Initial Customization – How to customize, several ways to do the same thing, how to activate a plugin
  • House Keeping – a cleans site load fast. Learn how to delete and Updates a theme or plugin
  • Posts and pages -Location of post and pages, what’s the difference between post and pages.
  • About me page – Important information in about me page
  • Writing a blog post – Includes: Editing visibility, Scheduling a post, formatting, categories, subcategories, tags and setting a featured image.
  • Definitions – Get used to the commonly used buttons like plugins, comments, Editor, Appearance etc
  • Plugins – Installing and activating a plugin, installing a contact page plugin.
  • Widgets – Adding/ deleting a widget.
  • Aweber Email – Sign up with Aweber and set your first opt-in form
  • Facebook page set up – Basic requirements
  • Adding a pop over for collecting emails
  • Adding social icons to your website for easier sharing
  • Resources 

8. Copywriting basics:  copywriting from Ronnie Sandlin who is a student of John and makes up to 6 figures. Discover the secret to the most influential and profitable copies

9. Launch Jacking: Many people are taking advantage of this technique to get big Bucks during launches. Don’t be left out.

10. Authority Review Sites: Learn how to choose a profitable affiliate offer and how to generate passive income through the same.

11. Facebook ads for Affiliates: Create Facebook ads and make your first sale via Facebook.

Review Verdict: Internet Jetset is a legitimate product that works

Visit Internet Jetset Website


Consumer Alert Regarding Internet Jetset

The success of Internet Jetset has given rise to many frauds who try to sell their own fake programs in its name. This is a big issue as many customers have lost their money in joining from such fake sites. It is advised that customers should be really careful when they are joining and should do some research before they buy from any website. To spot these, watch out and avoid sites that claim to write about Internet Jetset, yet the write-up is completely garbage as they are created by software and spammed all over the internet. It is always better to avoid joining from any other site other than the official one. Therefore, it is highly advised that consumers do careful research, or only join from the site from the official website here – (link opens in a new window). The official website that they have includes the legitimate program.

Conclusion about Internet Jetset


The fastest way to learn is by rubbing shoulders with experts who are already successful. Well, John Crestani is certainly a successful affiliate marketer and it is no wonder why what he teaches really works.

His system is designed to help you earn your first income cheque online within the shortest time. Don’t be surprised when you see testimonials from memberes saying they made commission in two hours. Crestani teaches legitimate strategies that brought him to where he is today. joinnowforfree

Internet Jetset Preview: (to pause video, simply tap/click on it)

Vidtasia Review – Is Vidtasia Legit?

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Vidtasia REVIEW


Created by professional video editor Cham Altatis

Vidtasia is a new breakthrough Camtasia training course

Read 100% Free Vidtasia Review by Scamorno Team


System Vidtasia
Website URL
Trial Start Trial
Overall Score 9.3/10


As you know, making and editing videos is not easy at all. That’s the reason why many business owners and entrepreneurs today are now madly searching some tools for the help.

And, they will find many tools and software which promise to give them the great help. However, we are very dissatisfied with most of them because the product owners themselves are not experienced with video at all. For this reason, Vidtasia really appealed to us because it appears that the owner Cham has quite a lot of experience with videos.

Visit Vidtasia Website

How Is The Vidtasia System Created?

Vidtasia is a full step-by-step training course that shows you how to produce the professional marketing videos that includes Screencapture videos, Live Action videos, Motion Sharp graphics, Greenscreen videos and some other sorts of videos. Cham Altatis is a world-renowed internet marketer and online video editor. He is now teaching about video creation and editing at IMGURO.

With a 10-year experience in making videos, Cham has accumulated a lot of the useful knowledge and skills. He always receives the same questions about how precisely to use Camtasia by his members and thus, Cham opened up Camtasia training program.

What Can You Expect To Learn With Vidtasia?

1. Professional Screen Get Video Creation Course

Cham will teach members step by step how to make a professional display capture video in his unique way.

2. Live Actions Video Croping and editing

You want to create a live guiding video but you don’t know to do it. Our tutor Cham will help you do this.

3. Motion Images

Did you know that all Camtasia could create a motion visual video? Yes. Learn this and open your eyes!

4. Green Screen Online video Editing

Do you really know what really a green screen video is? Aha. Before joining this course, most know this type of video is present. Cham helped me to learn how to modify our videos into a great-looking green screen videos.

5. Enhancements

Cham shows you the tricks to make your videos much more appealing with using the enhancements in Camtasia.

6. Video Creation

If you feel that you don’t have to learn about this, then you would be very wrong. Learn the secret tips and tricks that Cham has learned over the years to create great videos, and quickly too!

Review Verdict: Vidtasia is a legitimate product that works

Visit Vidtasia Website

Consumer Alert Regarding Vidtasia

The success of Vidtasia has given rise to many frauds who try to sell their own fake programs in its name. This is a big issue as many customers have lost their money in buying from such fake sites. It is advised that customers should be really careful when they are purchasing and should do some research before they buy from any website. To spot these, watch out and avoid sites that claim to write about Vidtasia, yet the write-up is completely garbage as they are created by software and spammed all over the internet. It is always better to avoid buying from any other site other than the official one. Therefore, it is highly advised that consumers do careful research, or only buy from the site from the official website here – (link opens in a new window). The official website that they have includes the legitimate product.

Conclusion about Vidtasia


Vidtasia is great if you are marketing with online video online. Members have saved a ton of money learning from this affordable yet high quality course.

Moreover, Cham is a great teacher and his lectures are incredibly easy to understand and follow. We joined another one of his course – Online video Rubix. He helped us get lots of the knowledge of creating great -looking and professional online videos.

Vidtasia Preview: