Spin Rewriter AI Review – Is Spin Rewriter AI Legit?

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Spin Rewriter AI DEMO

Spin Rewriter AI REVIEW

Spin Rewriter AI Preview: (to pause video, simply tap/click on it)


Created by Aaron Sustar for fast and quality article spinning

Spin Rewriter AI is a new breakthrough articles extraction and rewriting software

Read 100% Free Spin Rewriter AI Review by Scamorno Team


System Spin Rewriter AI
Website URL www.SpinRewriter.com/AI
Trial Start Trial
Overall Score 9.4/10


With the new release Of Spin Rewriter AI, Spin Rewriter AI software has developed to become the industry-leading article spinner. Spin Rewriter AI is right now perhaps the most advanced and top-selling article spinning tool in the market

We have owned Spin Rewriter AI since the first version in 2011 and we must say Aaron truly cares about developing a software with the users intent in mind. Every time we had any questions about Spin Rewriter AI, we received detail responses immediately. This has helped us 100 fold in expanding our online marketing efforts without wasting tons of money on articles.

Review Verdict: Spin Rewriter AI is a legitimate software that works

Visit Spin Rewriter AI Website

Is Spin Rewriter a good article spinning tool? - Quora

Why Is Spin Rewriter AI Better Than Other AI Content Generation Tools?

1. The Power of AI — Unleashed!

  • Harnesses the groundbreaking potential of Large Language Models (LLMs), representing a significant advancement in artificial intelligence.
  • Specifically, the utilization of ENL (Emulated Natural Language) Semantic Rewriting has reached new heights, offering an unparalleled capability to process natural language through algorithms.

2. Paragraph-Level Rewriting:

  • In Step 1 of the rewriting process, Spin Rewriter AI employs cutting-edge LLM AI to rewrite articles at the paragraph level.
  • The innovation in this feature is truly remarkable, ensuring that every paragraph is rewritten in a manner that was unimaginable even just a few years ago.
  • Importantly, this guarantees 100% uniqueness and human-like readability for all your generated articles.

3. SEO Content Co-Pilot:

  • Introducing a brand-new feature in Step 3 that enhances your ability to optimize your generated articles for SEO purposes.
  • You have the flexibility to provide as little or as much input as desired, and the results in terms of SEO effectiveness are exceptionally impressive.

4. Intelligent Metadata:

  • Spin Rewriter AI simplifies the process of generating top-quality metadata for each of your articles.
  • This includes fully optimized titles, auto-generated descriptions, keywords, WordPress tags, and thorough consideration of all SEO aspects for your articles.

5. Text Humanizer:

  • With a single click, you can “humanize” all your generated articles, rendering them indistinguishable from human-written content.
  • This feature utilizes an additional LLM AI that has been fine-tuned on high-quality SEO content, ensuring the best results.

6. Translate & Fine-Tune:

  • Spin Rewriter AI facilitates easy translation of your generated articles into virtually any language.
  • But it doesn’t stop there – you can now automatically fine-tune your content to cater to specific regionalisms, making it feel entirely familiar to your target audience, whether it’s the UK market or the Australian market.

7. Polished UX:

  • To complement these groundbreaking features, Spin Rewriter AI delivers a polished user experience (UX).
  • Extensive in-person user testing has enhanced the platform’s usability while accommodating the new features seamlessly.

8. Much, Much More…

  • These remarkable features are just the tip of the iceberg. The possibilities introduced by Large Language Model (LLM) AI are vast and open up a world of opportunities for content creation.

How Is Spin Rewriter AI Different From Its Previous Versions?

Spin Rewriter AI is a software that was created to “spin” articles, with Spin Rewriter AI being the latest version. The fact that there are 10 versions of this software should tell you a lot about this product and their dedication to continuing to improve their software. If you are not quite sure what it means to “spin” an article, essentially, article spinning is the process of re-writing an article to create new, “original” versions.

This is done in an attempt to avoid duplicate content issues that can cause Google to give you penalties. If Google, or any other search engine, detects duplicate content, they will apply a penalty onto your site which can be detrimental to your SEO strategy. For the most part, article spinning is utilised as an SEO strategy to gain backlinks. You can create 100s of versions of one single article with spinning software.

What Can You Expect To Be Able To Do With Spin Rewriter AI?

Spin Rewriter AI comes with the ability to quickly generate unique articles that you can then spin them into thousands of articles.

Let’s check out its features. Spin Rewriter AI software features:

  • ENL Semantic Spinning
  • Compare spun articles side by side
  • Free Stock Photos
  • Grammar Checker
  • Deep Spinning
  • Sentence and Paragraph Spinning
  • Mass Exporter
  • Works on all devices
  • Copyscape Checker
  • Bulk Article Spinner
  • Built-in YouTube embedder
  • Huge database of semantic analysis
  • And much more!

Spin Rewriter AI can be integrated with tons of SEO tools, making your content and link building efforts unstoppable. You can also integrate Spin Rewriter AI With your favorite SEO tools.

One of our favorite things about Spin Rewriter AI is that it is super easy to use. It can be broken down into three Simple Steps:

  1. Paste an article into the editor. If you don’t have an article, don’t worry all you have to do is click one button and Spin Rewriter AI will generate an article for you.
  2. Click the “I’m feeling lucky” button and wait as Spin Rewriter AI generates a unique article for you. If you prefer to do this manually you may do that as well.
  3. Click export and to export your spun article. You can download as many as 1,000 articles at a time.

It is that simple. The whole process only takes a couple of minutes, much faster than all other article spinners out there for the quality of articles it generates.

Review Verdict: Spin Rewriter AI is a legitimate software that works

Visit Spin Rewriter AI Website

Spin Rewriter AI Review - Ko-fi ❤️ Where creators get support from fans  through donations, memberships, shop sales and more! The original 'Buy Me a  Coffee' Page.

Consumer Alert Regarding Spin Rewriter AI

The success of Spin Rewriter AI has given rise to many frauds who try to sell their own fake software in its name. This is a big issue as many customers have lost their money in buying from such fake sites. It is advised that customers should be really careful when they are subscribing and should do some research before they buy from any website. To spot these, watch out and avoid sites that claim to write about Spin Rewriter AI, yet the writeup is completely garbage as they are created by software and spammed all over the internet. It is always better to avoid buying from any other site other than the official one. Therefore, it is highly advised that consumers do careful research, or only buy join the site from the official website here – http://SpinRewriter.com/Official.com (link opens in a new window). The official website that they have includes the legitimate software.

Conclusion about Spin Rewriter AI


We have run experiments using the articles spun from Spin Rewriter AI and already have seen rankings rise just by doing this. This has proven to us that the quality generated by Spin Rewriter AI is SEO-friendly, and by proof-reading the articles ourselves, we can tell they are very unique, readable and still maintains the context of the articles very well.

Go ahead and test out the free trial if you are new to this.  We know you will be as impressed with it as we are and want to get more of it.  Don’t wait as the free trial offer is not always open.


Speed Wealth System Reviews – Is Speed Wealth System Legit?

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Speed Wealth System REVIEWS


Created by online income business owner Matthew Neer to help his students close online sales and earn commissions automatically

Speed Wealth System Matthew Neer is a new breakthrough online commissions earning system

Read 100% Free Speed Wealth System Reviews by Scamorxno Team


System Speed Wealth System Matthew Neer
Website URL www.SpeedWealth.net/SystemMatthewNeer
Trial Start Trial
Overall Score 9.3/10

FULL REVIEW OF Speed Wealth System Matthew Neer

Would you like to find out what exactly is Speed Wealth System Matthew Need and does it really allow its members to create their own successful online income business with minimal starting experience? This is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT from anything we have ever seen before. The System going to equip you with the best tools on the internet and teach you how to become a truly badass marketer. Yes, marketing is a SKILL and it is something that you can learn and master like a science. You’ll see inside… You will never again have to worry about wasting your time on “other” marketing strategies that don’t work neerly as good as mine.

How Exactly Does The Speed Wealth System Matthew Neer Work?

Once a new member gets access into the membership area of Speed Wealth System Matthew Neer, he or she will immediately get access to templates of “squeeze pages”, which are basically essential pages to collect information from website visitors. Without access to the membership area, one would have to spend a couple $100s of dollars to get these pages set up and running.

Step #1: Sign Up For Get Response Get Response is the place where you are going to database all your leads so you can send out what is called an “email blast” to them, also known as a mass email. Step #2: Sign Up For Clickbank Clickbank is one of the worlds largest online retailers, and you can sign up for FREE! Once you have your free account created, Matthew and his team are going to teach members how to get their affiliate links on Clickbank and start using them to earn commissions.

After that is done, you will set up your GetResponse Campaign – Confirm Page – Thank You Page and – HOW TO ADD your GetResponse Form code.

In The STEP 3 It is very important that you create your free online affiliate accounts in order to receive your nickname which you will use for referral commissions! Once you have completed your new accounts sign up and have successfully tested your new links, you will then be able to start earning your online commissions with this system.

Will Speed Wealth System Matthew Neer Work For You Too?

The Speed Wealth System Matthew Neer is designed to assist newbies make money with affiliate marketing. It is designed to take someone from brand new to their first $10k per month and beyond with list building, email marketing and affiliate marketing. They provide you hosted email swipes, landing pages and marketing training on the inside for the customers. We have been privileged to get early Access to SpeedWealth Commission System by MATTHEW and we are again very pleased with his high commitment to customer support and making sure his stuff works before releasing them. So my Final WERDICT ! is 100% TESTED and APPROVED.

Why Should You Want to Join Speed Wealth System Matthew Neer?

The Product Provides You the solution the BIGGEST PROBLEM in internet marketing, which is that the only way you can make decent commissions is by having a sales funnel and system in place. Building your own sales funnel is very difficult as you need programming skills, but that should not be an excuse not to have an online income stream in today’s day and age.

So If You Still Have This Problem, then SpeedWealth Commission System will Teach You Step by Step how to SOLVE all problems in the members area. Matthew has created this solution as the all-in-one place to solve all these problems, hence if you lack technical skills but are still not making the income you want online, then SpeedWealth is exactly what you are looking for.

Review Verdict: Speed Wealth System Matthew Neer is a legitimate course that works

Visit Speed Wealth System Matthew Neer Website

Conclusion about Speed Wealth System Matthew Neer


Everything will be setup for new members once they join. They will get access to their unique link that will track all commissions to them. They will also get their own sales funnel system.

Overall, this is a online money-making system that we can confidently recommend to those who are looking exactly for something like this.

Visit Speed Wealth System Matthew Neer Website!

Speed Wealth System Matthew Neer Preview: (to pause video, simply tap/click on it)

500 Intimate Questions For Couples Review – Does It Really Work?

Website Preview:

Note: This is a 500 Intimate Questions For Couples review. If you are looking for the 500 Intimate Questions For Couples official website or checking for a special discount, then CLICK HERE. Special thanks to Brigit D. who submitted this review.

This 500 Intimate Questions For Couples ebook is developed by the famous relationship expert – Michael Webb who has spent many years of his career in studying various aspects in relationships. This ebook is a huge collection of questions centered surround intimacy and sex. Inside the main PDF guide, people will discover 5 particular categories of questions.

500 intimate questions for couples review – is it reliable?

Reviewed Product: 500 Intimate Questions For Couples

Refund Period: 60 Days

CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS ABOUT 500 Intimate Questions For Couples

1. How Exactly Does 500 Intimate Questions For Couples Work to Enhance Your Relationship?

According to the author, the hallmark of any satisfying and great relationship is great communication. If you want to have a life-time of sizzling sex then you need to communicate those intimate matters. And, knowing how to ask the right questions at the right time is a good way to assist you to understand your partner more clearly in terms of sex issues. The beautiful thing about the questions delivered in this guide is that they are perfect for those couples who are both virgins or have been married for years.

Five different groups of questions here are build upon each other so that you could go only as deep as both of you feel really comfortable, reserving the later questions for the proper time. Fact is, intimate questions are considered the best turn-on for women.

2. Consumer Alert Regarding Michael Webb’s 500 Intimate Questions For Couples

The success of Michael Webb’s 500 Intimate Questions For Couples has given rise to many frauds who try to sell their own fake guides in its name. This is a big issue as many customers have lost their money in buying from such fake sites. It is advised that customers should be really careful when they are subscribing and should do some research before they buy any website. To spot these, watch out and avoid sites that claim to write about Michael Webb’s 500 Intimate Questions For Couples, yet the writeup is completely garbage as they are created by software and spammed all over the internet. It is always better to avoid buying from any other website other than the official one. Therefore, it is highly advised that consumers do careful research, or only buy from the official website here – http://QuestionsBook.com/500IntimateForCouplesOfficial (link opens in a new window). The official website that they have includes the legitimate download.

500 Intimate Questions For Couples PDF FREE DOWNLOAD

3. What Can You Expect To Find In 500 Intimate Questions For Couples?

Men may not like sharing their “own feelings” yet in the context of talking about sex, most guys will share on a personal level that women will crave. Michael points out that, when going through, these 500 questions will excite and refresh any couple’s lovemaking no matter how long they have been intimate. The questions are created in series, with the light questions at the beginning and the more intense and explicit ones at the bottom.

As mentioned earlier in this 500 Intimate Questions For Couples review, the e-book contains 500 questions focusing on intimacy and sex. However, the key to whole thing is that these questions are well created conversations, and the conversations will often turn into action. Here is a taste of what is inside the main guide of500 Intimate Questions For Couples.

  • Category 1 – Warming Up: 136 questions in this section will let you know more about your partner’s feelings of romance, love, commitment, intimacy and sex. These questions are especially designed for those those couples who have not yet been in a sexual relationship because these inquiries are really foundational.
  • Category 2 – Taking It To The Next Level: this section seems to be more romantic in nature and will get you used to talking about lovemaking. Since you read them, you should bear in mind that you build up skills to enhance the rest of your sex life.
  • Category 3 – Worth The Wait: this part is where things get fun. Sometimes, the 1st sexually intimate experience could be like a big buffet as you are really starved. These questions are specifically developed to allow you to get to know you and your partner each other well and decide the dishes the two of you want to enjoy first.
  • Category 4 – Special Occasions: when your marriage has matured over time, you will have some special occasions to celebrate. Once the two of you are really comfortable with the other person’s body, it is time to try something new once in a while.
  • Category 5 – Through The Years: Questions That Keep Home Fires Burning: We all have to admit that after years, sex could be the same-old. This guide goes through how to smash through those barriers and bring your intimacy life to a whole new level.

Read what a customer we recommended Michael Webb’s 500 Intimate Questions For Couples to said…


I love how all the questions weren’t just about “sex” but also about dreams, desires, romance and love. That is what really turns me on. I was a bit more nervous about asking/answering some of the hard-core sex questions but in the end it was very worthwhile.

Helpful hint: drink wine while asking the questions if one of you is more reserved.”

Brigit Dent
US, Dakota

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Pure Natural Healing Review – Is Master Lim Pure Natural Healing System Legit?

Website Preview:

Note: This is a Pure Natural Healing review. If you are looking for the Pure Natural Healing official website or checking for a special discount, then CLICK HERE. Special thanks to John E. who submitted this review.

Created by Master Lim, an Acupressure master, “Pure Natural Healing” is a comprehensive training program that will show you the exact sequence and methods for unblocking the meridians in your body, so it can naturally heal itself of different types of ailments in a short span of time.

As an expert in acupressure and other fields of alternative medicine, such as herbology, massage, aromatherapy, food therapy and essential oil therapy Master Lim explains he strategically combines different techniques into one system to help people achieve faster and more consistent results every time.

He says he generally structured the Pure Natural Healing training manual around acupressure, which works similarly to acupuncture.

Kevin Richardson & Master Lim, Pure Natural Healing™ PDF eBook | Focusky

Reviewed Product: Pure Natural Healing

Refund Period: 60 Days


How Exactly Does Pure Natural Healing Work For Your Body?

Acupressure uses the same “healing trigger points” as acupuncture, but rather than using needles, a practitioner applies gentle pressure to release meridian points on the body. A meridian is a channel through which “life force” or “qi” flows.

Some of the benefits that Master Lim promises can be achieved through the Pure Natural Healing system are:

  • It helps you sleep better every single night.
  • It can reverse minor to life-threatening diseases like arthritis, flu, arthritis, and heart ailments.
  • It will reduce the pain you feel due to backache, toothaches, migraine, and so on.
  • It can boost your energy levels.
  • It can relieve various digestive problems.

What Can You Expect To Find In Pure Natural Healing?

To give you a better idea of what to expect from Master Lim’s program, here are some things you’ll discover in the Pure Natural Healing training manual:

    • How to heal yourself with meridian therapy, but in a straightforward way.
    • How to identify meridian points you need to focus on and the specific times you need to work on them.
    • Instructions on how you can pinpoint your ailments that you want to treat.
    • A list of exercises and foods you need in order to enhance your immune system’s ability to protect you from any illnesses.
    • A series of tutorial videos that will show you exactly where the healing points are, discuss the blocked meridians, and teach you the proper way to execute the exercises on these points.
    • Explanations on how Master Lim fuses all of his expertise on acupressure with other healing modalities to create incredible results.
    • Advice on the right schedule for performing different five-minute exercises for best results, and a lot more…

Overall, we believe that the Pure Natural Healing System is a great first option for those who want to try traditional medicine, but without the invasive procedures.

But is it really effective?

Well, clinical studies on the health advantages of acupressure are still scarce. We did find a few small clinical studies, but researchers have not been able to come up with a large and well-designed study.

Read what a customer we recommended Master Lim’s Pure Natural Healing to said…


“I used to sweat uncontrollably, and always needed to change my clothes a few times a day. I’d had this condition for a long while, and despite having consulted specialists for my condition, nothing worked. But after going through Master Lim’s Meridian Self Therapy Program, my condition improved. I no longer respire as much, and I feel much happier for it. I even lost 5 lbs along the way!”

David Panzer
US, Washington

Pure Natural Healing by Master Lim - Our Unbiased Review | Flickr


Trend Profiteer Review: Reviews For Trend Profiteer System By Michael Nurok – Is It Legit?

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Trend Profiteer Review

Trend Profiteer System by Michael Nurok Preview: (to pause video, simply tap/click on it)


Created for automated currency scanning and trend following

Trend Profiteer System by Michael Nurok is a new breakthrough one-click trend trading system

Read 100% Free Trend Profiteer Review by Scamorno Team


System Trend Profiteer System by Michael Nurok
Website URL www.TrendProfiteer.com
Trial Start Trial
Overall Score 9.7/10

FULL REVIEW OF Trend Profiteer System by Michael Nurok

Are you looking for more information about the Trend Profiteer System by Michael Nurok software and whether or not this software can truly show allow you to start making profitable Forex trades consistently? This software scans through every currency chart that you designated it to analyse and alerts you whenever there is a potential profitable trading opportunity. It is not a 100% fully automated trading software, as you will still have to review the alerts yourself and decide if you want to take the trade. If so, you will then have to place your trade manually with your trading platform.

Is Trend Profiteer System by Michael Nurok Right For You?

Trend Profiteer System by Michael Nurok was made for people who are looking to profit from the Forex markets but don’t have all day to watch the markets constantly. Its owner, professional trader Michael Nurok, came up with this software after he realised many of his students were lacking the disciplined or the time to execute his trading strategies consistently. Michael has also realised that the Forex markets are constantly changing, and it was difficult for his students to keep up too. Besides the signals service, you will also be getting access to Michael’s trading tips, techniques and strategies that he has accumulated over his decades of trading the Forex markets.

Review Verdict: Trend Profiteer System by Michael Nurok is a legitimate system that works

Visit Trend Profiteer System by Michael Nurok Website

Trend Profiteer Review: Forex Scam or Not?

What Are The Components Included With The Trend Profiteer System by Michael Nurok Membership?

The first component of this membership is the semi-automatic trader bot, whereby you wait for the program to generate signals for you before you place your buy or sell orders. Its trading success rate is about 80%, so while you can expect occasional losses, if you take every trading signal generated by this program, you should be able to consistently increase your trading account size over time.

For those who are serious about having a career in trading, Michael also provides plenty of training resources in the membership area for you if you wish to achieve that. Membership to Trend Profiteer System by Michael Nurok gives you 24/7 online support, a full trading manual and a suite of video training modules that show you how Trend Profiteer System by Michael Nurok finds it trading opportunities.

Review Verdict: Trend Profiteer System by Michael Nurok is a legitimate software that works

Visit Trend Profiteer System by Michael Nurok Website

EA Review: Trend Profiteer - Forex Robot Nation

Consumer Alert Regarding Trend Profiteer System by Michael Nurok

The success of Trend Profiteer System by Michael Nurok has given rise to many frauds who try to sell their own fake software in its name. This is a big issue as many customers have lost their money in buying from such fake sites. It is advised that customers should be really careful when they are purchasing and should do some research before they buy from any website. To spot these, watch out and avoid sites that claim to write about Trend Profiteer System by Michael Nurok, yet the write-up is completely garbage and unreadable, as they are created by software and spammed all over the internet. It is always better to avoid buying from any other site other than the official one. Therefore, it is highly advised that consumers do careful research, or only buy from the site from the official website here – http://TrendProfiteer.com/Official (link opens in a new window). The official website that they have includes the legitimate software.

Conclusion about Trend Profiteer System by Michael Nurok


The Trend Profiteer System by Michael Nurok has accumulated a bunch of data and statistics, which gives it the trading edge over other traders in the Forex markets. If you would like to get access to a Forex signals software that can find trends and locate profitable trading opportunities as soon as they appear to generate signals for you, then we highly recommend you to learn more about Trend Profiteer System by Michael Nurok at the button link below!

Visit Trend Profiteer System by Michael Nurok Website

Aintree Festival Tips Review – Are They Legit?

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Aintree Festival Tips 2017 REVIEW

Aintree Festival Tips 2017 Preview: (to pause video, simply tap/click on it)


Created for Horse Racing Profits

Aintree Festival Tips 2017 is a new breakthrough weight loss method

Read 100% Free Aintree Festival Tips 2017 Review by Scamorno Team


System Aintree Festival Tips 2017
Website URL www.AintreeFestival.com
Trial Start Trial
Overall Score 9.2/10

FULL REVIEW OF Aintree Festival Tips 2017

The Aintree Grand National Festival may be focused on the big race – the Aintree Grand National – but our experts provide tips for every race over the three days. Our previews & tips will be updated in the coming week before the Festival.

What is Aintree Festival Tips 2017 All About?

The big race of the meeting, the Aintree Grand National is the ONE race that all jockeys, trainers and owners want to win. Thirty fences will be jumped in total over a distance of 4m 3f 110y, testing a horses jumping, heart, & stamina. The race was won last year by 33/1 shot Rule The World, who will not be back to defend his crown after being retired one month after his famous victory. You can find our preview below with a tip to be added briefly for the biggest spectacle in National Hunt racing.

Review Verdict: Aintree Festival Tips 2017 is a legitimate product that works

Visit Aintree Festival Tips 2017 Website

Who is Aintree Festival Tips 2017 For?

Day One of the Aintree Festival kicks off with four big races, all of which have a great honour roll the horses will be aiming to add their names to. The 4-Y-O Juvenile Hurdle was won so impressively last year by Apple’s Jade, who turned around the Triumph form of 2016 to beat the rival by a staggering 41 lengths. Many of the Triumph runners will be aiming to try and peg Defi Du Seuil back, though that will be no easy task.

The Aintree Bowl was won emphatically last year by Cue Card as he gained slight compensation for falling in the Gold Cup, though he looks to face a difficult task in trying to reverse placings with Native River, the current favourite. The super mare Annie Power won the Aintree Hurdle last season in good style to follow up on her great win in the Champion Hurdle, and Buveur D’Air will be looking to do the same and try to cement placings with Yanworth. It was no surprise to see On The Fringe take home the Foxhunters after his brilliant win in the Cheltenham equivalent weeks before, though he was dethroned this year by Pacha Du Polder, who will try and keep him at bay again in this for Paul Nicholls.

Review Verdict: Aintree Festival Tips 2017 is a legitimate product that works

Go To Aintree Festival Tips 2017 Website

Conclusion about Aintree Festival Tips 2017


Given the positive profits that we have seen previously from the owners of Aintree Festival Tips 2017, we are confident to recommend this service to our readers in order to capture the profits potential that is coming up in Aintree Festival 2017.


MyShedPlans Review – Are My Shed Plans Legit?

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Ryan MyShedPlans REVIEW


Created by Ryan Henderson as a quality shed plans download pack for members

MyShedPlans is a new breakthrough shed plans complete download package

Read 100% Free MyShedPlans Review by Scamorno Team


System MyShedPlans
Website URL www.MyShedPlans.com/RyanHenderson
Trial Start Trial
Overall Score 9.3/10


Do you want to find out more about MyShedPlans and whether or not this program can really show you some of the best woodworking shed plans like what Ryan is claiming he can give you? This program gives members access to reliable and high-quality shed designs, and has proven useful for anyone who is looking for better ideas and resources.

All in all, we managed to find more than 12,000+ woodworking blueprints and designs. You can expect to find 1,000s of different blueprints in different functional, architectural, aesthetic and functional feature. There are also both big and small scale projects, depending on what you are looking to build.

Ryan Henderson's MyShedPlans Review- An Honest and Complete Guide - The  Katy News

Review Verdict: MyShedPlans is a legitimate program that works

Visit MyShedPlans Website

How Is The Quality Of The Plans In MyShedPlans?

The plans inside are of different level of detail. Most of them are step-by-step with 3D drawings with photos taken in the middle of construction. They generally come with information about sizes, elevation drawings and annotations.

Other plans like those of elevation plans without anything else added and scanned construction plans are simpler and are designed to help you get a permit. These have been all pretty user-friendly and even beginners have been able to massively benefit from joining MyShedPlans.

Overview of the 3 Types of Shed Plans You Can Find In MyShedPlans:

#1: Garden Shed

This is the most common form of sheds that can be found in every backyard. MyShedPlans come with highly feasible plans that anyone can easily find a suitable plan for themselves.

#2: Storage Shed

The 2nd type is the storage shed, which is generally attractive because of their low costs. To build these with MyShedPlans should cost you just a couple hundreds of dollars.

3: Gambrel Roof Shed

This type of shed has the best looking style and are highly associated with barns and pole barns. MyShedPlans will show you what materials you need to build a great looking one and bring intricate beauty to your home fast.

Review Verdict: MyShedPlans is a legitimate blueprint that works

Visit MyShedPlans Website

Consumer Alert Regarding MyShedPlans

Ryan Henderson's MyShedPlans Review- An Honest and Complete Guide - The  Katy News

The success of MyShedPlans has given rise to many frauds who try to sell their own fake services in its name. This is a big issue as many customers have lost their money in joining from such fake sites. It is advised that customers should be really careful when they are subscribing and should do some research before they join any website. To spot these, watch out and avoid sites that claim to write about MyShedPlans, yet the writeup is completely garbage as they are created by software and spammed all over the internet. It is always better to avoid buying from any other website other than the official one. Therefore, it is highly advised that consumers do careful research, or only buy join the site from the official website here – http://MyShedPlans.com/RyanHendersonOfficial (link opens in a new window). The official website that they have includes the legitimate service.

Conclusion about MyShedPlans


In summary, getting this program has allowed members to complete their woodworking projects well ahead of schedule and do so building great quality sheds. This has proven to be a highly efficient set of woodworking plans that work to serve any personal carpenter for as long as required. If you too would like to build a high-quality shed over a weekend even if you have no starting experience, then we highly recommend you to learn more about MyShedPlans at the button link below!


MyShedPlans Preview: (to pause video, simply tap/click on it)

Trade SimpleFX Review – Is SimpleFX Trading Platform Legit?

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SimpleFX Trading Platform DEMO

Trade SimpleFX REVIEW

SimpleFX Trading Platform Preview: (to pause video, simply tap/click on it)


SimpleFX Trading Platform is an established online Forex broker with large leverage available for new members

Read 100% Free Trade SimpleFX Review by Scamorno Team


System SimpleFX Trading Platform
Website URL www.SimpleFX.com/Trading
Trial Start Trial
Overall Score 9.3/10

FULL REVIEW OF SimpleFX Trading Platform

We have reviewed options and limitations offered by SimpleFX Trading Platform to its clients in order to measure the risks for the broker. The risk assessment takes into account multiple factors.

This is what stood out when it came to evaluating SimpleFX Trading Platform:

  • Position: The broker enforces a minimal position size of 0.01 Lot, limiting trader control
  • Leverage: The broker permits a max leverage of 500:1 which is very large, and may cause runaway trades if not checked
  • Stop-Out Level: The stop-out level is configured at 30%, which is fairly safe
  • Margin Call Level: The margin call level is configure at 100%, which is fairly safe

Overall, we would say that SimpleFX Trading Platform risks are right around average compared to the other brokers in the industry.

To open an account, you must fulfil a minimal first deposit of $0, which is much lower than the average and may benefit traders who are just starting out. Additionally, SimpleFX Trading Platform. offers a maximum leverage of 500:1, which is above average compared to all the brokers out there today, meaning that a trader can purchase large positions with a small amount of capital.

Margin Call Levels and Other Pertinent Information About SimpleFX Trading Platform

The offered margin-call level in SimpleFX Trading is 100%, which represents a fairly safe threshold for investment.

Standard Trade Information

Spread Type
Execution Type
Market Execution
Instant Execution
Margin Call Level
Stop Out Level
Number of Currency Pairs

Account Setup

Demo Available
Minimum Account Size
Minimum Position Size
0.01 Lot
Maximum Leverage
Account Currencies
Canadian Dollar
Great Britain Pound
Swiss Franc
United States Dollar

Review Verdict: SimpleFX Trading Platform is a legitimate platform that works

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SimpleFX: Free Trading & Investing App

Is SimpleFX Trading Platform Risky To Use?

We have reviewed options and limitations offered by SimpleFX Trading Platform to its clients in order to measure the risks for the broker. The risk assessment takes into account multiple factors

This is what stood out when it came to evaluating SimpleFX Trading Platform:

  • Position: The broker enforces a minimal position size of 0.01 Lot, limiting trader control
  • Leverage: The broker permits a max leverage of 500:1 which is very large, and may cause runaway trades if not checked
  • Stop-Out Level: The stop-out level is configured at 30%, which is fairly safe
  • Margin Call Level: The margin call level is configure at 100%, which is fairly safe

Overall, we would say that SimpleFX Trading Platform risks are right around average compared to the other brokers in the industry.

What Are The Trade Options Available In SimpleFX Trading Platform?

SimpleFX Trading Platform offers a wide variety of trade options that would greatly benefit all traders. In addition to the wide range of available securities, the ability to scalp is very advantageous to short-term traders looking to commit a high volume of daily trades. Meanwhile, the benefits of hedging may appeal to longer-term traders looking to be able to safeguard their trades.




Tradable Instruments
Stock Indexes
Payment Methods Available
Credit/Debit Cards
Wire Transfer

Review Verdict: SimpleFX Trading Platform is a legitimate platform that works

Visit SimpleFX Trading Platform Website

More Information About SimpleFX Trading Platform

Online since year: 2014
Payment options: wire transfer, Neteller, credit/debit cards, Skrill, Bitcoin, WebMoney
Country of origin: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Minimum account size: $1
Leverage: 500:1
Minimum lot: 0.01 lot
Spreads: floating 0.8 pip

SimpleFX Trading Platform is an online brokerage company established in 2014. Its main advantage is the availability of more exotic trading instrument, such as bitcoins. There is a wide selection of trading instruments to choose from: more than 60 currency pairs, stock indices, oil, metals (XAG, XAU, XPD, XPT), bitcoins and litecoins (BTCEUR, BTCUSD, BTCJPY, BTCCNY, LTCEUR, LTCUSD, LTCCNY, LTCJPY).

SimpleFX: CFD Trading Made Easier | Bitcoinist.com

Which Platform Do You Need To Trade with SimpleFX Trading Platform?

With SimpleFX Trading Platform, members can trade through MetaTrader 4. The broker’s clients are allowed to open up to five live trading accounts and 5 demo accounts. SimpleFX Trading Platform also offers live accounts for bitcoin traders and a standard trading account.

Trading Account in SimpleFX Trading Platform

Account type Minimum deposit Minimum trade size Maximum leverage Average Spreads
Standard $1 0.01 1:500 1 pips on EUR/USD

SimpleFX Trading Platform offers a single type of trading account with no minimum starting deposit requirement, leverage up to 1:500 and competitive spreads. The trade size is set to 0.01 by default on the broker’s proprietary online platform and micro lots are also available for trade on the MT4.

Furthermore, SimpleFX Trading Platform offers 15 base account currencies, a wide range of trading instruments and anonymous registration process for bitcoin users.

SimpleFX Trading Platform is a NDD offshore FX broker, offering online trading 60 currency pairs, CFDs on indices, precious metals & commodities, as well as several cryptocurrencies through both the MetaTrader 4 and the broker’s in-house web-based platform.

Founded in 2014, SimpleFX Trading Platform is a brand of SimpleFX Ltd., a firm registered in the St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

What Are The Fees On SimpleFX Trading Platform?

SimpleFX Trading Platform Exchange implements a fee structure where registration and deposits remain free of charge. However, users encounter an inactivity fee set at 3%. Withdrawal fees are contingent upon the specific cryptocurrency being traded, such as 0.2 ADA, 0.015 ATOM, 0.0002 BNB, 0.1 BUSD, 0.00005 BTC, 0.0003 BCH, 0.001 DASH, 2 DOGE, 0.008 DOT, among others.

Regarding fiat currency withdrawal, the applicable fees vary based on the payment partner. For instance, Fasapay incurs a withdrawal fee of 1%, while Neteller and Skrill levy 3%.

SimpleFX Trading Platform charges spread fees for indices, where spreads for assets like FTSE 100 average at around 1.3 pips, LTCUSD at 0.03, Oil at 0.06, DJI at 3, USDJPY at 0.009, GBPUSD at 0.00012, and BTCUSD at 4.05.

These spread fees generally align with prevailing market standards, sometimes presenting notably lower rates. For example, the EUR/USD pair maintains an average spread of 0.9 pips, while gold hovers around 1.5 pips. The specific fee variation is subject to the particular indices being traded.

What Are The SimpleFX Bitcoin Spreads?

The current SimpleFX Bitcoin Spreads can vary depending on market conditions, but they typically range from 0.1 to 4.05 pips. This means that the difference between the bid and ask price for Bitcoin can be as low as 0.0001 or as high as 0.0405.

Here are some examples of Bitcoin spreads on SimpleFX for different trading conditions:

  • Low liquidity: During times of low liquidity, such as weekends and overnight hours, Bitcoin spreads can widen to as much as 5 pips or more.
  • High volatility: During periods of high volatility, such as when there is major news about Bitcoin, spreads can also widen to as much as 5 pips or more.
  • Normal market conditions: During normal market conditions, Bitcoin spreads are typically in the range of 0.1 to 2 pips.

SimpleFX strives to keep spreads as low as possible, but they cannot control market conditions. As a result, traders should be aware that spreads can widen at any time.

Here are some factors that can affect Bitcoin spreads on SimpleFX:

  • Liquidity: Liquidity is the amount of Bitcoin that is available to be traded at any given time. When there is more liquidity, spreads are typically tighter.
  • Volatility: Volatility is the degree to which the price of Bitcoin is fluctuating.When the price is more volatile, spreads are typically wider.
  • Market sentiment: Market sentiment is the overall mood of traders about Bitcoin. When sentiment is positive, spreads are typically tighter. When sentiment is negative, spreads are typically wider.

Traders should consider all of these factors when choosing a broker to trade Bitcoin with. SimpleFX is a good option for traders who are looking for a broker with low spreads and a variety of trading tools.

Review Verdict: SimpleFX Trading Platform is a legitimate platform that works

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Conclusion about SimpleFX Trading Platform


SimpleFX Trading Platform is an innovative offshore broker that offers wide range of financial instruments to trade, which includes currency pairs, various CFDs, and cryptocurrencies.

Even though it is not regulated right now, we have this brokerage to be worth using, especially with the addition of bitcoin instrument trading which can be particularly volatile and profitable to trade with.


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