The Art Of Astral Projection Review – Is The Art Of Astral Projection Steve G Jones Legit?

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The Art Of Astral Projection REVIEW

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Created by Dr. Steve G. Jones

The Art Of Astral Projection Steve G Jones is a new breakthrough spiritual separation astral projection training system

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Overall Score 9.3/10

FULL REVIEW OF The Art Of Astral Projection Steve G Jones

Are you currently thinking about getting The Art Of Astral Projection Steve G Jones by Dr. Steve G. Jones and does it credibly teach the concept of Astral Projection and teach members how to truly travel to another world by safely parting from their physical bodies? Dr. Steve G. Jones’ journey into the realm of Astral Projection began during his time at Military School when he was 17 years old. His fascination with hypnosis and mind power began at a young age, immersing himself in books and knowledge on these subjects, which led to an extensive understanding by the age of 15.

Renowned for his ability to create profound and lasting positive changes in people’s lives, Dr. Steve G. Jones leverages his expertise, wisdom, knowledge, and refined hypnosis techniques to develop a dynamic Astral Projection Program which he calls The Art Of Astral Projection Steve G Jones. This program aims to help individuals live their most authentic lives, breaking free from barriers that hold them back.

What Are The Features of The Art Of Astral Projection Steve G Jones?

The Astral Projection Program curated by Dr. Steve G. Jones comprises 14 audiobooks covering various topics, along with five bonus materials, ensuring an unparalleled astral projection experience.

Each element within this package serves as a step-by-step guide to achieving and sustaining a conscious out-of-body experience. Equipped with the essential prerequisites, participants gain the tools required to embark on a genuine astral projection journey and get all the wonderful experiences of this powerful journey.

Review Verdict: The Art Of Astral Projection Steve G Jones is a legitimate system that works

Visit The Art Of Astral Projection Steve G Jones Website

Overview Of The 14 Modules Included In The Art Of Astral Projection Steve G Jones System:

Module 1: What to Expect

In this module, members will explore what they can expect during their astral projection journey. The module delves into the ideal astral setting and offers guidance on preparing for astral projection. they will learn how to attain a deep state of consciousness and disconnect the mind and body in the 3rd realm while existing in the 4th realm.

Module 2: The Art of Breathing

Module two focuses on the importance of breathing techniques in astral projection. By mastering proper breathing principles, members gain control over their relaxation, enabling consistent astral projection whenever they desire.

Module 3: The Power of Positive Affirmations

In this chapter, members discover the significance of positive affirmations in astral projection and their impact on the overall experience. The module also guides them on preparing their energy for astral projection and eliminating distractions to attain the ideal state of mind.

Module 4: Clearing Your Chakras

This module sheds light on the importance of chakras in astral projection and their connection to the body, emotions, and mental health. Additionally, six brilliant techniques for mastering Chakra meditation are revealed.

Module 5: Raising Your Kundalini

Members delve into the essential power source of Kundalini and its crucial role in achieving the ultimate stimulation of the astral body. The module teaches how to access and release this power source to attain a state of pure bliss and rejuvenation.

Module 6: Astral Projection Trance Work

Module six uncovers the art of achieving a trance state while maintaining conscious awareness. It emphasizes the significance of mental clarity to allow the astral experience to unfold naturally.

Module 7: Astral Projection Hypnosis Session with Binaural Tones

This hypnosis recording guides members through various states of trance, from beta to alpha, theta, and finally, to the profound Delta state. By incorporating binaural tones, the module enhances the hypnosis experience and guides them to the ultimate frontier of the Delta state and beyond.

Module 8: Believing in Yourself and Confronting Your Fears

In module eight, readers learn techniques to clear their minds, enhance relaxation, and recognize and overcome negative subconscious thoughts that may hinder astral projection. The module encourages individuals to exude confidence in their ability to astral project and embrace the unknown.

Module 9: Preparing for Astral Projection

Module nine provides a comprehensive understanding of astral projection, including how it feels, looks, and sounds when the body and spirit separate. It also covers the real-time zone, reality fluctuations, and safe methods to return to the physical body after the astral projection experience. Track B of this module offers a step-by-step guide for a first astral projection experience.

Module 10: Out of Body Experiences

In this section, members explore the general rules of application in astral planes. The module also addresses frequently asked questions about astral projection and the typical sensations experienced during astral projections.

Module 11: Exiting Your Physical Body and Associated Fears

Module eleven focuses on preparation for astral planes by overcoming fears and understanding the significance of the brow chakra. It also introduces different ‘rope techniques’ to loosen the astral body and discusses common fears in the 4th dimension and effective ways to conquer them.

Module 12: Your Beliefs and Astral Projection

This module highlights the impact of beliefs and faith on astral projection. Members will learn how to connect with entities in the 4th dimension and other techniques to enhance their astral experiences. Perception techniques and the influence of perception on astral experiences are also covered, along with the distinction between heart rate and heart chakra.

Module 13: Astral Sex and More

Module thirteen delves into the principles of sexual activity in astral planes and the virtuous limits. It explores the endless possibilities of astral sex and distinguishes between astral projection and lucid dreams. Additionally, the module provides a troubleshooting guide for individuals struggling to achieve a complete out-of-body experience.

Module 14: 12 Strand DNA Activation Hypnosis

This final hypnosis module offers members advanced skills to improve their astral projection capabilities and enhance their everyday lives. It provides a higher understanding of astral projection and empowers them to embrace the full potential of this transformative journey.

Review Verdict: The Art Of Astral Projection Steve G Jones is a legitimate guide that works

Visit The Art Of Astral Projection Steve G Jones Website

Consumer Alert Regarding The Art Of Astral Projection Steve G Jones

The success of The Art Of Astral Projection Steve G Jones has given rise to many frauds who try to sell their own fake systems in its name. This is a big issue as many consumers have lost their money in buying from such fake sites. It is advised that consumers should be really careful when they are subscribing and should do some research before they buy from any website. To spot these, watch out and avoid sites that claim to write about The Art Of Astral Projection Steve G Jones, yet the writeup is completely garbage as they are created by software and spammed all over the internet. It is always better to avoid buying from any other site other than the official one. Therefore, it is highly advised that consumers do careful research, or only buy join the site from the official website here – http://SteveGJonesTraining/TheArtOfAstralProjectionOfficial (link opens in a new window). The official website that they have includes the legitimate system.

Conclusion about The Art Of Astral Projection Steve G Jones



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