500 Launch Jacker Review – Does 500 Launch Jacker Really Work?

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500 Launch Jacker SCAM REVIEW

500 Launch Jacker Preview: (to pause video, simply tap/click on it)


Created by Edward Barton for Banking Online Commissions Using 100% Free Traffic

500 Launch Jacker is a new breakthrough launch jacking system

Read 100% Free 500 Launch Jacker Review by Scamorno Team


System 500 Launch Jacker
Website URL www.edward-p-barton.com
Trial Start Trial
Overall Score 9.2/10

FULL REVIEW OF 500 Launch Jacker

This program claims that this is an easy way to start banking $500 per week as an affiliate and that anyone can get started right away doing this. Launch jacking not a new concept, it can definitely work and it can work very well if done right.

This product was launched in October of 2016 by Fred and Pallab. These guys teach their members how to make an easy $500 per week as a ‘launch jacker’.

Review Verdict: 500 Launch Jacker is NOT a Scam

Visit 500 Launch Jacker Website

Can $500 Launch Jacker Really Make That Money Per Week?

Personally, we thought making an extra 500 bucks per week is not an outrageous claim and it was quite refreshing not being told I could just plug in and start making $1000’s per day on complete autopilot. So the level of hype was not insane which we liked.

According to the sales page, prospects will already know that it doesn’t involve paid traffic, MLM, product creation, websites and SEO, Facebook or Fiverr. We decided to check out how exactly this is done, as you might have noticed like we have that these sales pages is they are always good at telling you what the product isn’t more than what it is. Essentially, it is meant to teach members how to do Youtube video reviews on upcoming products, showing step-by-step how it is done correctly and case studies to show that it works.

500 LJ Product Package

Why Do $500 Launch Jacker Strategies Work?

It works because you will get your videos ranking far easier than you would for an established product or service. There were 4 upgrades in total and each had it’s own ‘downhill’, meaning that if you click past it, they reduce the price a few bucks.

Videos in $500 Launch Jacker

There are a total of 8 video tutorials, showing step-by-step how this entire system works:

Video #1 (Welcome)

This explains the strategy of launch jacking. Fred explained the concept in a really sugar glossed and somewhat elaborate way, but it is really all about finding a product that is about to launch and doing a Youtube review video.

The key is to always offer people genuine value and never just publish a review for the only purpose of convincing them to buy that product or another product you recommend. In other words, give people real value above all and never ever recommend something you know is crap, no matter how much money it might bank you. You need to maintain your reputation as source that offers value. 

One of the key reasons this system works well is because you are going to be getting to the front of the traffic. This means that you are going to be searching for products that haven’t even launched yet and that not many marketers have published videos/ articles about. So, you will easily get your video ranking in the search results of both Youtube and Google before anyone else and probably stay there  as a result in my experience.

The end result of this is getting high quality, 100% free traffic and highly targeted to whatever it is you are promoting. You are being taught to promote what you review or another program you recommend.

Review Verdict: 500 Launch Jacker is NOT a Scam

Visit 500 Launch Jacker Website

Video #2 (Tools Of The Trade)

As the name suggests, this video is all about getting the software and tools you need to make this work. Namely, a screencasting software like Camtasia and a microphone is needed. You don’t need those and you can get started with free tools, but those are good. I liked how he wasn’t even trying to promote those and he did show us legitimate products that are good.

Video #3 (Picking a Product)

This is where you learn the best websites to go to find new product launches. Fred recommends using a website called muncheye.com which shows you the latest programs launching within the Internet marketing space. Essentially, these are all of the products being launched within JVZoo, WarriorPlus and many other affiliate networks in the coming days/weeks.

Video #4 (Getting Your Affiliate Links)

This video is all about finding your affiliate links. These are your unique links that people will buy with, when they do you’ll earn a commission. This is definitely useful if you are new to the Warrior Plus or JV Zoo network as it shows the process of getting approved and getting those links to use within your reviews.

Video #5 (Your Marketing Angle)

Fred talks about some of the different methods you can take to doing your review. As in, your ‘reviewing persona’ and the ‘angle’ you can take when you discuss about the product you are reviewing. Fred suggests a few different options here and points out that most people don’t have time to buy each product they review.

On the one hand, what he is saying is good and can work but on the other hand, we don’t recommend doing ‘promo’ style reviews. People want a real review from someone who knows what they are talking about. I’m not saying you have to buy everything you review, but you should make sure that whatever product you doing a video on, that you are giving a fair opinion on backed by facts. Otherwise, people will see you as someone who just does poor quality reviews to promote the product, or to promote another product you recommend. In other words, give people genuine value, otherwise, you won’t build a good reputation.

Video #6 (Uploading Your Videos)

This is a basic video showing you how to upload your videos into Youtube and the important elements to make sure they get ranked in the search reuslts.

One thing w didn’t leike is how he is showing members to put your affiliate link directly in the description box under the video without cloaking it with a link cloaker, which is something we recommend doing.

Video #7 (Off Page SEO)

This is about getting your videos ranked higher through the use off-page SEO strategies.

Video #8 (Wrap Up)

Basically just wraps the training up as the name suggests, and shows how to use the cheat sheets to help you get started immediately.

Conclusion about 500 Launch Jacker

bestchoiceIn summary, we find this to be a simple strategy that can build anyone an income over time. It won’t cost much money to get started with this, and the owners do not hype it up too much and keeps everything down-to-earth and real.

Overall, this is a legitimate method of making money and Fred has given really good information throughout that we have found do get results.


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