Self Sufficient Life Review – How To Live A Self Sufficient Life?

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Self Sufficient Life REVIEW


Self Sufficient Life is a new breakthrough self-sufficiency and homesteading resource platform

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Overall Score 9.5/10

FULL REVIEW OF Self Sufficient Life

Are you looking for a comprehensive resource of the most up-to-date self sufficiency learning resources and is Self-Sufficient-Life really one of the best resources for it? Self-Sufficient-Life is an expanding platform offering a wealth of resources including books, articles, and audio/visual content centered around self-sufficiency and rural living. The audiobooks available for purchase are in MP3 format, compatible with various devices such as computers, iPods, MP3 players, and can also be burned to CDs for personal use.

Visit Self Sufficient Life Website

What Are The Main Topics Covered By Self Sufficient Life Training Resources?

  • Vegetable Gardening by Edmund Morris

Edmund Morris, an avid reader with a deep interest in agriculture, had long harbored dreams of relocating to the countryside. Despite experiencing financial difficulties in his city life, he remained determined to leave urban living behind before things worsened. He recognized the challenges of farming and the unlikelihood of becoming wealthy from it. However, he firmly believed that with hard work, farming could sustain his family comfortably. Thus, he set out on his journey towards self-sufficiency, fully aware of the commitment it entailed.

  • Keeping Chickens

For many people venturing into self-sufficiency, raising chickens marks an initial and essential step. Apart from offering joy and entertainment, one of the primary advantages of keeping chickens is the provision of eggs.

Chickens encompass a variety of breeds and types, typically classified into four main categories:

  1. Egg Breeds
  2. Meat Breeds
  3. General Purpose Breeds
  4. Fancy Breeds
  • Keeping Bees

The beekeeping resources provide a wealth of tips, covering various aspects such as smoker usage, colony examination, and queen bee identification.

  • Raising Guineas

Guinea Fowl, known for their versatility, can add both excitement and utility to any farm or garden setting. Serving as effective alarm systems, their loud calls can deter intruders and unwelcome guests alike. Gardeners particularly appreciate these birds for their voracious appetite for insects, reducing the need for expensive insecticides. Additionally, many are charmed by their peculiarities and low-maintenance nature.

These birds exhibit a range of traits, including vanity, as they often admire themselves in mirrors or reflective surfaces. They are also known for being noisy, amusing, affectionate, entertaining, shy, cautious, and vigilant. With excellent pest control abilities, they function effectively as “watchdogs” and are adept at free-ranging.

In the comprehensive guide available in Self-Suficient-Life’s “Guinea Fowl: A Guide To Raising Guineas,” readers can explore the history and care of Guinea Fowl, covering topics such as hatching and raising keets, free-ranging practices, feeding and housing requirements, as well as strategies for coexisting with chickens, and more.

Visit Self Sufficient Life Website

Consumer Alert Regarding Self Sufficient Life

The success of Self Sufficient Life has given rise to many frauds who try to sell their own fake platforms in its name. This is a big issue as many customers have lost their money in joining from such fake sites. It is advised that customers should be really careful when they are joining and should do some research before they join from any website. To spot these, watch out and avoid sites that claim to write about Self Sufficient Life, yet the write-up is completely garbage and unreadable as they are created by software and spammed all over the internet. It is always better to avoid joining from any other site other than the official one. Therefore, it is highly advised that consumers do careful research, or only join from the site from the official website here – (link opens in a new window). The official website that they have includes the legitimate platform.


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